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ENTITY reports on what it feels like to be in love

To be in love is to be part of an evolving experience and what better way to explain the movement of love than with the movement of the seasons?

We all fall in love, but whether we stay in love with that same person is entirely up to the universe. You may fall in love once or you may fall in love ten times without ever tying the knot, but if you’ve ever been in love you will appreciate what we’re about to say.

Here is our take on what falling in love feels like throughout the seasons.

1 Spring

ENTITY reports on what it feels like to fall in love

You feel as if everything around you is blooming. It’s the beginning of the relationship and all you want to do is be with your significant other.

You also can’t believe you didn’t meet this person earlier. The conversations flow so easily and everything is perfect. They make you laugh like no one else and you catch yourself smiling at random occasions like a weirdo, but you don’t care because you’re happy, happier than you’ve been since your last horrible breakup.

You’re beyond excited, but you don’t really know what to do with this feeling. Your friends are telling you it’s too soon to feel like this, but you can’t help it. Spring is the symbol of rebirth, which perfectly explains what you’re feeling.

All in all, the days get longer and warmer, especially when you’re with them. 

2 Summer

ENTITY reports on what it feels like to fall in love

Photo Via Instagram/@todotoronto

Before you know it, it’s summer. Everything is hot and steamy. Every time you get together with your significant other, it’s passionate. And you can’t seem to get enough of each other.

At this point you both know where the relationship stands and you’re both giving it your all. It’s more than lust because every time you’re together fireworks explode. Your passion for each other feels like a hurricane that you can’t stop, and it scares the hell out of you.

You go on beach dates, hiking, watch outside movie screenings and experience that “summer love” that everyone rages about. And over time the fire of summer calms, but it never goes away. 

3 Fall

ENTITY reports on what it feels like to be in love

The season of comfort. The sparks aren’t as robust, but it doesn’t matter because everything around you seems right. You no longer get nervous around each other and you’ve taken each other for who you are and what you want to be. You know one another’s goals and fears, and you know that the person sitting across the table from you is the love of your life.

It’s no longer an overwhelming happiness like you felt in the spring and summer, but it is more of a calm happiness. You’re so comfortable around that other person that you don’t need to be in their presence every day. You are content with each other and where your relationship is moving. You also spend Thanksgiving with each other’s families. You already feel like you belong.

You become one with this person. 

4 Winter

ENTITY reports on what it feels like to be in love

Winter can be hard, you’ll fight and say things to hurt the person you love. The person you love will make you cry and you will question if it’s worth it. You’ll spend nights sleeping on different beds and you’ll fall asleep hoping for a better tomorrow. You’ll fight and make up but at the end of the day you’ll know you have a deeper love for them than the other person could ever imagine.

But winter isn’t all sad and gloomy. You’ll look at your relationship from a different angle and see all of the beautiful lights that you didn’t notice before. Christmas and New Year’s will remind you of what you love most about that person.

You’ll bundle up together across the fire with a warm hot chocolate in your hands; it’s freezing but you’re so warm being wrapped around the person you love.

Being in love with someone changes you. Your friends and family will tell you that you seem happier and you catch yourself smiling and laughing all the time. And with every decision you think about your other half. They’re your best friend.

Every day is like a holiday, and you feel soaked in love. It feels like you’ve known them your entire life and you can’t imagine life without them. It is the most frightening, but breathtaking time of your life, so enjoy it and take it in.

Who knows? This person you love might still be the person holding your hand on your 80th birthday. 

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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