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Entity shows you how any modern woman can learn from her boss's leadership.

You’ve finally done it: You’ve become a successful businesswoman and scored your first official job. Maybe the office isn’t as elegant as you anticipated or maybe you’re pleasantly surprised by the diverse group of men and women working by your side. Either way, all jobs have one trait in common: a boss.

Now, when people hear the term “boss,” they could imagine a foreboding character in a business suit or an inspirational leader guiding the company to success. Whatever type of boss you have, however, modern women can rest assured that they will learn something. To celebrate National Boss’s Day, here are ENTITY’s top seven lessons a woman can learn from her boss’s leadership.

1 Work hard … and rest hard.

Think back to the last hard deadline, big project or important event that happened at work. As the due date drew closer, where was your boss? If a good boss, Job Hero explains that he or she will be right in the trenches alongside the employees. When you have a boss who isn’t afraid to get dirty and push people to work harder and stay dedicated, you’ll learn how to give 100 percent on every project until you cross the finish line.

At the same time, though, you’ll learn that leaders must be a source of moral support. They should encourage hard work, but force people to take breaks before they reach the breaking point. These lessons can not only help you win the trust and respect of your colleagues, but they can also keep you from working so hard that you burn yourself out.

2 Share the spotlight.

As writer Henry Miller once said, “The real leader has no need to lead – he is content to point the way.” When it comes to the modern workforce, this means that a good boss will give opportunities for employees to lead meetings, run discussions or manage projects. This will not only foster personal growth, but also confidence. What does this trait teach you? It’s a reminder that when you do become the successful businesswoman of your dreams, you still need to pay attention to work relationships and help others grow.

3 Accept and move past mistakes.

Most likely, you’ve witnessed your boss make a mistake in his or her career. Maybe it was a small one, like thinking the morning meeting was at 10:30 instead of 9:30, or maybe it was such a large mistake that it caused men and women to lose their jobs. By observing how your boss handles mistakes, you can prepare yourself for similar situations in the future. In particular, Medix reports that employees can learn to accept mistakes as a part of life instead of a negative reflection on their characters. Learn and grow from your error, move on and focus on being the successful businesswoman you are!

4 Talk the talk … with everyone.

If you’ve ever received a work email, heard about a project from a co-worker or learned about a required meeting 10 minutes after it already started, you’ve probably thought, “That would’ve been nice to know.” According to Job Hero, a good boss realizes that workers’ productivity is directly tied to how well everyone is kept in the loop. Proper workplace communication can inspire you to follow the same protocol when you have your own leadership role.

5 Mutual respect is a must.

Now, maybe your boss isn’t an inspirational person. In fact, maybe you think she belongs in the movie, “The Devil Wears Prada.” Modern women can still learn plenty of lessons from their bad boss, however, including the importance of mutual respect. As Forbes explains, if a boss openly criticizes employees or disregards others’ opinions, office morale can suffer. Facing a boss like this can teach women and men to adopt an opposite approach when they become leaders. They will know how important it is to embrace diversity in opinion, focus on employee growth and always respect others.

6 Don’t Play Favorites.

Do you remember that teacher who always called on the same students – even when dozens of others were holding up their hands? Teacher’s pets also appear in the business world and can be as equally annoying. Noticing that the boss always assigns the most important projects to Tracy and Steve can teach men and women to acknowledge everyone’s diverse talents when they become leaders. Not only will people respect your fair character, but you will also become a more successful businesswoman by utilizing everyone’s abilities.

7 Become the Master at Climbing the Ladder.

By now, your boss has shown you – for better or worse – what traits an inspirational leader should have. But how do you become a boss yourself? That’s the last – and perhaps one of the most important – lesson a modern woman can learn. As Medix explains, every company has a different hierarchy, so why not learn how to master it from someone who already has? Besides being a good mentor, your boss can also show you what traits your company looks for in a leader. By identifying what made your boss worthy of a promotion, you can set yourself up for success.

Whether you want to be a fashion designer, a reporter who covers celebrity gossip or a businesswoman, the lessons your boss teaches you can be the key to success. After all, #WomenThatDo are only as inspirational as the successful women who helped pave their way.

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