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ENTITY presents things to do before bed to have better dreams.

According to experts dreams are the brain’s way of working through the conflicts of everyday life.  In other words, dreams are awesome. But did you know you can help control your dreams with just a few subtle changes?

It’s true, different pre-bed rituals can lead to better dreaming and knowing them will help you achieve the kind of sleep you’re looking for. Test some of these out and get ready for a good night’s rest.


ENTITY presents what to do before bed to have good dreams

Choose a smell that you enjoy for a good night’s rest. If you need help choosing, studies show that lavender and jasmine aromas lead to sweeter and deeper sleep.

Scents are sorted in your olfactory bulbs and kick your limbic system, which controls basic human behaviors, into action.

One way of infusing pleasant smells before bed is to spray your pillows. You can also use plugin air fresheners. If you don’t like lavender or jasmine, test out some scents to find the one that you like the best.


ENTITY presents what to do before bed to have good dreams

Find a soothing sound that relaxes you. It needs to be low enough so that it doesn’t wake you, but high enough that you are aware of them. The sound of a rainforest, with birds and rainfall, are popular choices.

This is helpful because your brain continues to process sounds even in your sleep. And if you are listening to the same sounds every night, it will help build a bedtime ritual.

Experiment with different sounds and volumes and notice which help you sleep deeper than others.


Avoid cheese, coffee, spicy foods and big meals before bed, and don’t go to sleep hungry. Try to stay away from fruits with high levels of sugar as well. A cup of warm milk is a good option to calm you before bed.

Spicy and acidic foods cause heartburn, gas, and acid reflux. Lying down makes heartburn worse and can hinder sleep.


ENTITY presents things to do before bed to have good dreams

Studies show that sleeping on your stomach triggers sexy dreams and sleeping on your back triggers sleep paralysis. Also, avoid covering your nose and mouth with a blanket as it generates suffocating dreams.


ENTITY presents things to do before bed to have good dreams

Vitamin B6 leads to more lucid dreams. Whereas medication for high blood pressure can also increase the chance of nightmares. Be sure to read the label as some medications can cause insomnia and jitters.


ENTITY presents things to do before bed to have good dreams

It is common to have vivid dreams during pregnancy and your baby’s infancy due to emotions, lack of sleep and wavering hormone levels. There is not much you can do to control this, but this is a sign that your brain is helping you adapt to this life change.

No more staring at the clock that says 3 a.m. or turning on the T.V. because you just can’t seem to fall sleep. Make these changes in your pre-snooze routine to see a difference in your sleep.

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