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Entity talks jessica suitsPhoto by suits.estilo via Instagram

Although she doesn’t have to do it much, you better believe that when Jessica suits up, someone will take the “L” she’s handing out.

Whether she’s trying to get Harvey and  Louis to stop acting like children or bringing in the big guns when Harvey can’t seal the deal alone, Jessica always Gets. Shit. Done.

Need proof? Here are five of Jessica Pearson’s best moments on “Suits.”

1 When She Did a Little Insider Trading of Her Own to Cash In on the William Sutter’s Shady Businesses.

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Jessica waltzed into that restaurant with the confidence of a closer. She knew she had Sutter cornered and she went in for the kill.

Season six was fun to watch because it got Jessica out of retirement. Instead of sending Harvey and Louis to do everything, we got to see her in action multiple times before she left the firm.

Sutter thought he was working with a (metaphorical) killer when he was dealing with Harvey, but he had another thing coming when Jessica sat at that table.

2 When She Put Harvey and Louis in Time-Out Before Their Childish Squabbling Went Too Far.

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Jessica has been more than patient with both Louis and Harvey’s egos. And when she’s had enough, she’s not the type to be passive aggressive about it.

She was probably hoping they would learn to solve their issues without all the posturing and insults, but in this situation she had to step in. The case they were dealing with was too dire for their bickering, and her demeanor reminded them to get it together.

3 When She Juked Part-time Touch Football Lover and Full-time Trader Stu for a 50-yard Touch Down in the Market.

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Stu was such a little weasel when we first met him. The level of misogyny and lack of respect he showed to everyone in the firm was out of hand. Someone had to slap him back into his place in a language he could understand: money.

In this scene, you could tell she wanted to put the bully in his place before he got too out of hand.

4 When Jessica Gave The Old Partner of the Firm, Charles, the Boot for Stamping an Asterisk Next to her Name.

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Many reviewers had a hard time understanding why this moment was important so we’re here to spill some truth tea. Every black woman has her coming to Jesus when she realizes that she has to work 70 percent harder than men and 30 percent harder than white women to get certain positions. So, when she noticed that Charles only hired her because she was black, you’re damn right she had a problem with it.

It shouldn’t be a foreign concept for a person to want to be hired by the caliber of their work instead of the color of their skin. The fact Charles only saw her as a black person – indicated by the asterisk – and felt like he could come and strong arm her into giving him more of her hard-earned money because of a leaky, old agreement, he unleashed the dragon he created years ago.

Do not mess with Jessica Pearson. And more importantly, don’t ever marginalize her.

5 When She Had to Reprimand Harvey Because He Thought He Could Surpass Her, His Mentor.

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This moment makes the list because Jessica usually lets Harvey get away with his nonsense. He’s like a son to her and he often delivers, so she lets him run wild sometimes. However, he tends to let that freedom empower him to run his mouth toward Jessica in a disrespectful manner unbefitting of his boss and surrogate mom.

So, naturally, Jessica often has to return Harvey’s venom ten-fold to remind him who the Mr. Miyagi is in the relationship. And once Harvey starts reining himself in again, his and Jessica’s relationship begins flourishing into the mentor/mentee relationship we talk about in this article.

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GIF by AndyLincoln via Tumblr

And as a bonus – because she’s a powerhouse and her one-liners are killer – here are a few badass Jessica Pearson quotes to brighten your day:

  • “Having a vagina does not stop me from believing my balls are bigger than yours.”
  • “I can because I do.”
  • “I’m going to kick some ass and remind them that I’m fierce.”
  • “The only thing I’m prepared to do is give you a chance to come to Jesus.”
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GIF by starfishlove via Tumblr

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