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Here's Entity's guide to productivity on your journey to enlightenment.

Whether you’re 18 or 88, it can be quite exhilarating to explore yourself and the world around you. While some people might take this time to do nothing but reflect, it’s important to know that soul searching is really the best time to accomplish your goals and build an impressive resume. Follow ENTITY’s guide to be more productive on your soul searching journey to enlightenment:

1. Travel

Not just because your friends are doing it or because you want to party. It’s a rewarding thing to experience how another culture lives and completely immerse yourself in it. This is a great time to meet interesting people and open your mind to new possibilities and experiences.

2. Read

For many, reading is an escape from the world in which you let yourself absorb the material, free from outside distractions, and be wooed by the poetry on the page. It’s also a great way to discover inspirational authors and develop your mind.

3. Make connections

In his book Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi takes How to Make Friends and Influence People to a new level by explaining the techniques he has developed over the years to build long lasting and rewarding business and personal relationships. This is a great read and excellent advice for anyone looking to succeed and meet extraordinary people.

4. Find what makes you happy

Ask yourself the question: what do I want? Really, it’s something very few people actually do. And in the grand scheme of things, happiness is what all of us want. Finding something that makes you happy by discovering new hobbies, trying new things, and accomplishing things that nobody can take away from you.

5. Put yourself out there

Once you find that something that makes you happy, you absolutely must pursue it. Even if it’s something you think is impossible, just do what you need to do to get there and get your resume out to as many people as possible. You never know what could be in store.

6. Clean house

Whether it’s clutter, people with bad vibes, or even social media, clean up whatever it is in your life that’s causing you unnecessary stress or keeping you from being your best self.

7. Make your health a priority

Not everyone is going to be a fan of this one, but it’s true that health is wealth. Even if you are only taking a 30- minute walk, taking a weekly yoga class, or reserving one day out of the week to go meatless, it’s important to treat your body respectfully. This translates to others, and people treat those who respect themselves with respect.

You can take a million bubble baths and meditate all you want- in fact, I recommend it- but make sure that finding yourself with a sense of purpose is important to the process. Remember that nothing is impossible, and truthfully, we all need to find ourselves. It isn’t about the destination, it’s the journey you take and the memories that will forever remain that are most important.

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