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Dear Mom,

I know new slang is confusing for you and always seems to be changing. I’m writing to tell you that slang like, “totally tubular” and “cool beans, yo!” are just a couple things that nobody says anymore. We need to catch you up.

Since I know you want to understand what my friends and I say to each other, I’ll help you out by teaching you some basic terms.

1 It’s a little Extra.

ENTITY discusses modern slang

This one’s easy, Mom. “Extra” means over-the-top. So when someone’s saying, “Quit being so extra,” it means you might want to tone it down a bit.

2 You’re not a Hundo P confused, right?

ENTITY discusses modern slang

Here’s where the new slang might start to mess with you. Hundo P means “100 percent.” It’s usually used in place of “definitely” or “of course.” “Hundo” obviously applies to “hundred,” but what about the letter “p?” In this case, it stands for percent, but it can also stand for “pretty.” I can already hear you saying, “Whaaat?!” so I’ll give you an example:

Becky: “Hey, where’s Jimmy today?”

Tammy: “I’m p sure he’s sick at home.”

Get it? If you want to say “pretty sure” and don’t want to say a lot of those pesky letters, just substitute in the “P.”

3 Speaking of letters…

ENTITY discusses modern slang

AF stands for “as fuck.” Yes Mom, that means I cursed. I’ll wash my mouth out with soap, even though it’s gross AF. See what I did there?

To say that an action is AF-worthy it needs to be “extra” or a lot. Now you try it.

If something is especially “AF” worthy, you can stretch it out for emphasis: “I’m excited affffffff!”

4 Kk, let’s keep going.

ENTITY discusses modern slang

This one’s obvious, Mom. Kk is an abbreviation for “okay, cool” and it’s usually used in online forums, text messages or in other casual contexts.

It’s used to agree to something with a limited amount of enthusiasm or to agree to something quickly. You’re not excited AF to do something, but you’re agreeing. So it’s best to leave it out of your email signature. Don’t be extra.

5 This is gonna be lit.

ENTITY discusses slang

Here’s some advice from that magazine you like, Good Housekeeping: “‘Lit’ can mean cool — especially when it comes to parties — but some people also use it as a synonym for drunk or high. Moms, you’ve been warned.”

Mom, don’t freak out. My friends and I are not getting lit…

6 We’re just turnt.

ENTITY discusses slang

“Turnt can mean drunk, but don’t ground anyone just yet. It can also describe a state of general excitement or craziness,” the magazine continues. So don’t worry too much, Mom.

7 Are you getting it, yet? If you are, say YASS!

YASS, Mom! “YASS” is a better way to say “yes” with added enthusiasm. It comes from gay and drag culture dating back decades, so it’s not exactly modern slang, but it’s gotten a comeback in recent years.

You can just say “yas” simply, but I like to type it in all caps or add a few extra A’s or S’s if I’m extra excited. You can say it at a lower volume or you can scream it, like “YAAASSSSS!”

Now that we’ve got all that down, I think you deserve a glass of wine. There are hundreds of other slang terms that you might need to learn if you want to stay modern, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you.

8 Now you don’t have FOMO…but you might have JOMO

ENTITY discusses modern slang

I know I said I was done, but here’s one more. You probably already know FOMO, which stands for the “Fear of Missing Out.” Now all you need to know is JOMO, which stands for the “Joy of Missing Out.”

You already seem to know that because you’re walking away…Bye Felicia. Can’t say I didn’t try and educate you.

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