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ENTITY reports on positive habits

It’s a new year, which means it’s time for a new you. Kick out old bad habits and start good, healthy ones. If you’re having a hard time working on creating a better you, here are ten easy habits to start in 2018 to help create a better you.

1 Making your bed first thing in the morning.

ENTITY reports on positive habits

This will start your day on a positive note since you already finished the first task you have for the day. It will also make another habit easier for you – sleeping early. This will remind you that little things count. Doing small tasks consistently and diligently will prepare you for bigger tasks.

2 Journal in the morning.

This will seem tedious at first but as you get used to it, you will find the joy of writing the first thoughts that come to mind during the day. It can be a way of meditation and of tracking your thought processes. For artists and writers, some of the best ideas can be documented through journaling. This can also declutter your mind to keep yourself more focused on the important tasks of the day.

3 Keeping an e-calendar.

ENTITY reports on positive habits

For the people who don’t want to spend a lot of time writing down tasks and putting a lot of thought into decorating their organizers, keeping an e-calendar will do the trick. You won’t need colorful pens or washi tapes. It’s an easier way of managing your time to help you keep the habit of making plans. A minute of planning always saves you an hour of hard work. It’s also convenient because you will be able to access your calendar on all your gadgets. You’ll be notified, too, so you won’t miss any deadlines or events. If done properly, your mobile phone can be your virtual secretary.

4 Planning your meals a week ahead.

If you plan your week ahead, you’re more likely to eat healthier meals. You won’t crave something greasy or salty in the middle of the day since you already have a planned meal for the whole week. This will also be one less thing (or rather 21 fewer things to think about) for the week. It will also cost you less so you’ll have more money to spend on other important things.

5 Exercising.

ENTITY reports on positive habits

Aside from having a healthier physical and mental health, it will also improve your focus and productivity at school or work. Prevention is easier than treatment. Taking care of your body now can save you a lot of health troubles in the future. Focus on your mind and body first and everything else will follow.

6 Giving yourself a reward for finishing the most important task for the week.

This is called positive reinforcement. It’s like training your brain to always perform your best. This can prevent burnout or loss of willpower in the middle of the week. It’s a great way to keep yourself moving towards your life goals.

7 Sketching something from a place you’ve visited instead of snapping a photo.

ENTITY reports on positive habits

When you’re busy taking pictures, you’re rarely focusing on the colors, details or the emotions you felt during your experiences. You’ll save it in your phone or post it on your Facebook or Instagram page. You’ll see the people or the place in the photo, but most of the time, you’ll focus more on the likes and comments since you get notified every time they pop up.

Don’t worry if you’re not artsy. You’re drawing for yourself, not for others. You’ll be able to remember details about the place better if you draw it. After all, the picture in your head and the details in your memory matter more than the likes you’ll get on a photo you can barely remember.

8 Spending more time alone.

In this crazy, noisy world, spending time alone is a privilege. Being alone will force you to be more centered and focused. You’ll be able to know yourself better, and you can recharge all the energy you’ve been giving out to others. You have to find joy in spending time with yourself. If you can’t, how can others enjoy your company?

9 Reading 25 pages of a book each morning and before going to sleep.

ENTITY reports on positive habits

Due to our busy schedules, we might not have the time to read anymore. The habit of reading is important because continuous learning is an essential part of success. Of course, when the book gets interesting, it becomes harder to stop reading, so it becomes a distraction during your day. That’s why you should have a page limit. In the morning, no matter how interesting the book gets, when you reach 25 and absolutely have to start on other tasks, you have to stop reading and work on your tasks at hand.

At night, you’ll have enough time to read, while waiting to fall asleep. It’s not advisable to use gadgets right before bedtime because it can disrupt your circadian rhythm. We must employ our 25-page rule here too. Fifty pages a day may seem like a small number but it will eventually accumulate and you’ll be able to finish your book without compromising your time for other tasks.

10 Sleeping early.

There’s no substitute for a good night sleep. The brain of a very sleep deprived person is comparable to a drunk person’s brain. Making sure you get enough rest every night to ensure that you’ll perform your best every day. The key to starting the day right is by thorough preparation the night before.

None of these habits are too difficult or require too much effort. It only takes one small step a day to start a path to a better life and a new you. So, this year, stop making excuses and start improving your life.

Edited by Nicole Sazegar
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