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ENTITY demystifies the female body

Women’s sexuality has been a topic of debate for millennia. Historically, the female body has suffered from public misconceptions and pure neglect.

But today, there’s ample research that debunks outdated ideology. Here are a few things to know about the female body and women’s sexuality. And guess what? It might come in handy in the bedroom!

1 The Clitoris is Key

ENTITY demystifies the female body. Photo of a downward arrow

Photo by Smart on Unsplash

A topic long avoided, the clitoris has a long and arduous history filled with ignorance. In Wednesday Martin’s book “The Button,” she demystifies the clitoris and brings straightforward knowledge about its importance.

The clitoris is an extraordinary organ. Martin emphasized that it’s the only body part “dedicated 100 percent to pleasure, serving no greater or lesser purpose than to make us feel good.”

While practitioners, mostly men, focused on phallic-centric research, knowledge of the clitoris went undiscovered until recently. This information changed the game. For example, research has unveiled that the clitoris is only partially visible, whereas most of it is located internally

When engaging in sexual activities, the clitoris is key. Quite literally, the word clitoris stems from the Greek word for key: “kleis”. All in all, the clitoris leads to better sex, and it’s not to be neglected in the bedroom. This kind of information is vital in knowing the female body.

2 Period Sex Works

ENTITY demystifies the female body

Photo by Isaac Cabezas on Unsplash

According to, sex can decrease stress levels and lead to better sleep. In the case of the female body, it may also be beneficial during periods.

Period sex raises eyebrows, but with lots of natural lubrication and hormonal changes occurring, it can contribute a lot to your pleasure. Plus, some studies suggest that orgasms reduce headaches. So why not try it?

Of course, period sex isn’t for everyone, nor does it have to be. Anyone avoiding pregnancy should know that it’s possible to get pregnant even while on your period. 

3 Vaginal Orgasms Don’t Exist

ENTITY demystifies the female body

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

The concept of “vaginal orgasms” is all but a myth. Sexologist Dr. Vivienne Cass told that there’s no “vaginal orgasm” or “clitoral orgasm.” Rather, there’s “physiologically just one orgasm response.”

Furthermore, most women reported in a 2016 study that both “clitoral and vaginal stimulation is important in orgasm.” It’s important to note, however, that the ones who mostly used clitoral stimulation generally “reported… higher desire… and demonstrated greater control over their self-reported sexual arousal.”

Foreplay is also a crucial part of sexual intimacy. Touching non-genital regions can add to excitability and arousal, so that sensual build-up is worth exploring.

Figure out what works for you and your partner. Take the time to get to know your body and discuss your needs as well as your partner’s needs. For the most part, female orgasms really depend on knowing female anatomy. That includes demystifying the clitoris.

The sexually active female body has faced scrutiny and neglect, especially when facing the statement “women are complicated.” We still have a long way to go with destigmatizing female sexuality. However, recent information has helped explain what many had previously thought was inexplicable. This information is our first step toward destigmatization. 

Whether for personal knowledge or simple curiosity, it’s always helpful to educate oneself about the sexual female body. Keep learning through Martin’s “The Button” and other books relating to female anatomy

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