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Entity story on toxic love relationship

Relationships are never a walk in the park. But when a love relationship goes toxic, it’s rough sailing ahead.

Whether we like to face it or not, many of us have been in toxic relationships at some point in our lives. But what many people don’t know are the warning signs of a toxic relationship.

Dr. Gloria Brame is a sex and relationships expert. She has written many books and focuses on helping people find their inner peace, especially in verbally abusive or toxic relationships.

As a sex therapist, Brame deals with signs of toxic relationships on a daily basis. But the hardest part is recognizing those signs in the first place.

Here are some of the main giveaways that your relationship might not be a good idea.

1 They attack you if you bring up something they don’t like.

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It could be a person, a habit or an opinion. They’ll quickly shut you down if you even attempt to talk about it. Especially if you’re trying to tell them if something bothers you. And they won’t even bother to listen.

If the person truly loves you, and if you’re meant to be together, then this shouldn’t be happening. No topics should be off-limits in relationships. As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. People in healthy relationships should be able to talk openly about any and all topics.

2 you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them.

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Are you ever afraid that something you say might set them off? Do you feel like if you mention a certain topic it’ll spark an argument? If so, you should get out of there fast.

Relationships are not always easy, but you certainly shouldn’t be this stressed or afraid to talk to the person who should be your other half. If you can never express yourself around your partner, or your fears/concerns, then it’s probably not a healthy relationship.

If you’re scared to even be around your partner, you should probably get out fast. Because breathing the same air as someone you can’t stand, or even bear to talk to, is definitely not healthy for anyone involved.

3 they make no effort with your friends.

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They expect you to get along with their friends, but when you want to do something with your friends, the other person is never up for it. How is that fair? The answer is, it isn’t.

They’ll make excuses for everything. Either your friends are too far away to go meet up with, or they feel tired. They’ll come up with any excuse not to deal with your friends.

What’s even worse is if they try to cut you off from your friends. It’s not healthy if your partner is the only person in your life — especially if he’s not treating you well.

4 you have the same fight over and over again.

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It always leads back to the same argument. No matter what you’re actually fighting about, you’ll always end up back in the same spot.

It’s a constant cycle that you’ll never break out of. If you really can’t work out your core differences, you’re probably not meant to be.

5 they lie.

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They always change their story, and they get weird when you confront them about it. If this is true, the person is bad, bad news. Nobody likes a liar. And chances are, your friends and family probably don’t like them, either.

Don’t feel like you need to pick between your significant other and your friends and family. Because that’s messed up.

Here’s what you need to know about ending toxic relationships:

It might be hard at first, but you need to get out of it. You’ll be able to be your real self and definitely be happier in the long run. Whether it’s a toxic family relationship or toxic love relationship, you need to put it behind you and be free.

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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