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Headaches are terrible and, oftentimes, can feel paralyzing. As someone who suffers from headaches often, I needed a way to help prevent or stop my headaches before they turned into a migraine. That’s when I discovered the wonder of cucumbers. There are four health benefits of cucumbers that help headaches specifically, and they will change everything for you.

Entity Reports on 5 Reasons Why Cucumbers Help Headaches

Behold, the Cucumber! This baby, in fact, has key vitamins and nutrients that can help prevent a headache or help ease the pain you’re feeling. Below are four major benefits of cucumbers.

Entity Reports on 5 Reasons Why Cucumbers Help Headaches


5 Health Benefits of Cucumbers that Help   Headaches.

“Cucumbers are 95 percent water, according to Ware”

If you are like me, then most likely you suffer from dehydration. One way to boost your intake of water is by eating foods that benefit your body; in this case a cucumber. Dehydration is one major factor that can trigger headaches. By adding cucumbers to your diet, you help your body stay hydrated and happy.

B-2 Vitamin

Another cucumber nutrition fact is that they contain anti-inflammatory benefits as well as antioxidants. These two powerhouses work together to help prevent or ease the pain of headaches.

Vitamin B-2, also known as riboflavin, helps prevent migraines…a research review published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research concluded that riboflavin can play a positive role in reducing the frequency and duration of migraine attacks, with no serious side effects.”(via Healthline)

Furthermore, according to Healthline in an interview with Clifford Segil, D.O., two tablespoons of 100mg twice per day is advised. But of course, check with your doctor to be sure its the best option for you!


5 Health Benefits of Cucumbers that Help   Headaches.

Another vitamin that can help with headaches and migraines is Magnesium. Guess what? It’s present in cucumbers, which is another great reason why you should be eating this fruit!

Midnight Snacking

Entity Reports on 5 Reasons Why Cucumbers Help Headaches

As an added benefit, cucumbers are low in calories and can be eaten at all times of the day. The best part, they can be eaten at night for us midnight snackers.

Because they are 95% water, it will help your body get rid of waste. According to Healthline eating a cucumber will benefit in its involvement:

“… in processes like temperature regulation and the transportation of waste products and nutrients”

Furthermore, next time you get a headache or a migraine, try eating a cucumber to see if these four benefits help.

There are many ways to enjoy this fruit. You can eat cucumbers with salt and pepper. If you want to get fancy, you can add lemon or lime juice with chili powder all of which provide additional benefits.

Traditionally, you can eat it with salads or you can eat it by itself with your favorite dressings. Be open and be headache free.

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