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It’s your first day of school. Or maybe it’s your first day at work. Or heck, maybe life is going great and you just want to look good today. You put together an elegant look that should be perfect. It’s got all the basic components of a great outfit: texture, color and a great cut. But you look in the mirror and it’s … meh.

People should be enviously turning their heads as you walk down the street, but something is still missing. What could you have done wrong? Don’t worry. ENTITY is here to help.

Here are five ways to solve your fashion dilemma and make sure you leave your house with head-to-toe confidence.

1 Pins

Looking for a great conversation starter? Grab a couple pins with your favorite bands and characters and get chatting! Because there are numerous options from you to choose from, pins are a great way to give people a subtle taste of any personality. What’s better, it doesn’t matter if you’re sporting a trendy alien pin or an inspirational quote, pins will always go with your outfit! Because they’re so small and unique, there’s no need to worry about coordination or sizing.

But if you want to be on the safe side, pins can also be worn on other accessories such as backpacks, purses or belts. If you do this, then you don’t have to worry about clashing with your outfit!

2 Brooches

Though brooches are similar to pins, don’t be fooled. Brooches deserve a category of their own. If you’re a working woman who sways more towards formal fashion, then a brooch may be a better choice for you. And because many brooches come in vintage and elegant designs, these accessories are also great if you love artisan work, stones or bling bling. For example, if you’re a fan of diamonds and floral, a sparkling flower brooch can definitely upgrade your outfit.

If you’re looking to start or expand your brooch collection, then shop vintage if you want to find some true gems! You can go to your local thrift store or browse online on stores like Sweet and SparkCollector’s Weekly and Iguana Vintage Clothing.

3 Belts

Many people don’t appreciate the allure of a well-placed belt. As a woman, your belt can be your best friend. When properly worn, a belt can add personality to an outfit by adding a pop of color or a flattering shape to lifeless dresses. If you have a shift dress that needs a waistline, just add a belt!

Nowadays, it seems that belts have become a masculine-dominated accessory. Luckily, belts seem to be making a comeback, appearing in a variety of fashion blogs and festival photos. Grab a cute concho belt or ornate buckled belt and your outfits will be straight killin’ it.

4 Watches

You’re a busy woman. You’ve got things to do, and you don’t have time to be constantly glancing at your phone to check the time. (Especially since these casual checks tend to turn into hour-long Instagram scrolls.) One minute you’re wondering when your schedule is open and the next you’ve been sucked into the social media void. Escape the void and show some style with a watch!

If you’re the kind of woman who appreciates high-fashion glamour, then take a look at the Marc Jacobs and Michael Kors collections. However, if you’re a more minimalist kind of gal, check out Daniel Wellington and The Fifth watches. But regardless of your preferences, there’s a watch out there for you!

5 Socks

Are you still wearing your mismatched patterned socks from high school? You know, the ones with the holes and obnoxious neon tones? Socks are a super vital part of our outfits, so why do we settle for mismatched or worn out socks as part of our daily attire? We all want to look great and sometimes our socks let us down. Grab a pair of sparkly or patterned socks and upgrade your outfit.

With these small additions, you’ll be able to transform into the true fashionista you are! Cute outfits are great and all, but head-to-toe flawless outfits are full of character. Get inspired and work it!

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