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Entity shares six ways to boost cognitive performance naturally.

We’ve all been there.  After so many challenging tasks, our mind just literally shuts down and you can’t seem to think clearly. Your world then suddenly stops and you just want to walk out of life.

Our mind is like a machine. It needs to be fueled for it to continue to work properly. You can’t just expect your mind to be working 24/7 without giving it the boost that it needs to continue performing.

Having a well-sounded mental performance is important for us to carry on with our day-to-day life. We can’t think clearly or do certain things well if our mind is already exhausted.

So how do you boost your mental performance naturally? These six excellent tips will show you how.

1 Get enough sleep.

You may not have full control of the circumstances that can give you mental stress. However, you do have control over how you can improve your mental performance to combat said mental stress.

One of the easiest ways of improving your mental performance is getting a quality amount of sleep. It is recommended that we get a shut-eye of seven to nine hours every day. Having a good amount of sleep improves our creativity, memory, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Memory consolidation happens when we are in a deep state of sleep.

How do we ensure that we get enough sleep every day?

You should create a regular sleeping schedule. Yes, this does not only apply to babies and toddlers. Sleeping at the same hour every day makes our body establish a sleeping pattern. You should also shut down all mobile phones and electronic gadgets one hour before bedtime.

Avoid caffeine and heavy meals at night time as well. Give yourself well-needed zzz time and wake up to an alert and edgy mind.

2 Meditate to decrease stress level.

Did you know that you can improve your IQ, focus, memory and overall brain power? Yes, you can. These are not permanently set levels, so you can certainly make yourself smarter.

One way of improving your mental capacity is through meditation. Meditation has been practiced since ancient times due to its many health benefits. Aside from improving mental performance, meditation has also been proven as an effective way of fighting off stress.

It serves as a workout to your brain to have total synchronization. When your mind is in sync, your thoughts and critical thinking skills are sharper. It also brings balance to your left and right hemisphere, harnessing both your creative and logical skills.

Having at least 30 minutes of meditation regularly offers unlimited access to both your short-term and long-term memory vault.

3 Exercise daily.

There are a lot of reasons why you should put on your athleisure wear and strike up up a regular exercise regimen.

Aside from weight loss and lowering your risk for disease, exercise also helps to boost your mental performance.

There are two means by which exercise helps thinking and memory — direct and indirect. Directly, exercise helps to reduce inflammation and insulin resistance. It also helps to stimulate the growth factors — chemicals found in the brain that affect the growth of new blood vessels, the health of brain cells and even the survival and abundance of new cells. Indirectly, exercise reduces anxiety and stress as well as improves quality of sleep and mood.

4 Cut the sugar from your diet.

There are some people who get addicted to sugar. The effect of sugar on our brain actually works the same way as drugs do. It triggers the same pleasure centers in our brain, which is why sugar binging can be addictive.

There is more than one reason why we should cut sugar from our diet. Aside from the fact that it can lead to overeating and weight gain, excessive sugar can also harm your mental performance.
Cut the sugar from your diet and eat health food instead.

5 Eat foods that are good for the brain.

Can you eat your way to a smarter you? The answer is a big yes. Add these super foods to your daily diet to give your brain its much-needed boost.

Blueberries – These small wonders not only reduce your risk of acquiring age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, but also protect your brain from oxidative stress.
Wild Salmon – They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain function. A 4-ounce serving, two to three times a week will keep your brain edgy and sharp.
Nuts and Seeds – As we get older, we tend to have an increasing chance of cognitive decline. Having a diet that is rich in Vitamin E protects you from age-related conditions. Nuts and seeds are great sources of vitamin E
Avocados – They are healthy fats and provide tons of health benefits — such as avoiding hypertension, which causes mental decline. Avocados help to lower your blood pressure.

6 Stay hydrated.

Our brain needs water for it to function properly. Dehydration not only causes us to lose focus and attention, but also impacts short-term and long-term memory function.

Our body loses water when it goes through several hours of sleep, which is why it is recommended to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.

Give your brain the attention that it deserves. Maximize its potential and increase its performance by following these useful tips above. You’ll be surprised at all of the things that you never thought your brain can do.

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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