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ENTITY reports on life goals

Have you ever had a plan that you always wanted to do but a lack of motivation and self-accomplishment got in the way? The thing is, motivation works exponentially. It’s easier to run 10 different errands if you’ve already checked off a couple tasks from your checklist. But starting from zero and trying to do that first task seems completely impossible. Here are some tips on how to push past this point.

1 Have some form of meditation.

ENTITY reports on life goals

There are a million ways to meditate – journaling, yoga and listening to music. You just have to do something that will declutter your mind and keep you focused on what you actually need to do that day. Sometimes, the reason why you can’t start is due to overthinking. When you think about all that you need to do, you stress yourself out and that stress keeps you from starting. Oftentimes writing down all the things that usually distract you from reaching your goals can do the trick.

2 Take a baby step into reaching your big goal.

The motivation is there, the inspiration is there, your goal is already there but your busy schedule just takes up all your time. Most of our daily routines don’t take us anywhere close to near our goals – day jobs, errands, replying to e-mails. Just set up a schedule where you take out time every day to take a baby step closer to your big goal. It can be just a 15-minute French lesson to prepare you for your dream semester abroad. It can be an hour dedicated to working on your book. The size of the action doesn’t matter. When you do even one small task a day to reach your dreams, the day won’t be as wasted.

3 Listen to a playlist that motivates you to be more productive.

ENTITY reports on life goals

The ambiance of your working environment affects your productivity. This is why companies spend a lot of time and money on interior design and so many coffee shops are still successful. If you’re feeling unmotivated, clean up your work area, grab a pair of earphones and listen to a playlist that will either let you focus or will energize you. When I’m studying, I feel like classical music helps me remember topics better. When I’m writing, jazz music works the best. And if I want to get motivated, I throw on some party music to keep me from nodding off.

4 Decide on making the day a clean-up and organization day.

If you really can’t find the motivation you need to finish a task, dedicate the day to organizing everything. Use this to clean up, organize your finances and calendars and run the errands that you’ve been putting off for the past week. Just as you would declutter your mind to keep you focused, you also want to declutter your checklist so you won’t have to worry about them for the rest of the week.

This will help you stay focused on more important goals.

5 Figure out something that you’ve always wanted to try and do it now.

ENTITY reports on life goals

You can’t just work and not have any fun. You need to find a good balance. Many successful people have interests that are totally different from their main line of work. This becomes their stress reliever and a way to recharge themselves and keep their minds fresh for new ideas.

Keep your mind open to new ideas and take it easy. Baby steps count too if you do them regularly.

Edited by Nicole Sazegar
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