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Entity's guide to healthy college snacks for students.

So you’re in college and for the fourth day in a row you have back-to-back classes. You barely have time to get lunch, let alone healthy snacks in between meals. We all know how easy it is to pop down to the closest vending machine and pick out a bag of Doritos or a Snickers bar. These snacks may be fast and easy, but are they really what’s best for your body?

But don’t worry, there are alternatives to the junk plaguing every campus building. And most of these snacks require little to no preparation, perfect for the busy college student!

1 Greek yogurt with granola

Greek yogurt has multiple health benefits, since it contains less sugar and more protein than regular yogurt. Also, the probiotics found in yogurt help promote a healthy gut and overall well-being, reports the Cleveland Clinic. Toss in a sprinkle of granola for some added dietary fiber, which helps keep you full for longer.

2 Trail mix

Trail mix can be bought pre-packaged or mixed at home by adding peanuts, cashews, raisings, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, and dried fruit for a tasty mix. What’s great about trail mix is that you can cater it to your personal tastes, so add or remove what you want (maybe even add a cheeky handful of M&Ms.)

3 Blue corn chips and hummus

Blue corn chips are both nutritious and delicious, especially when combined with hummus. Hummus has many health benefits; the chickpeas in hummus are rich in protein and can aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy heart.

4 Sliced veggies or fruit

Slicing up veggies or fruit before leaving the house can seem time-consuming, but it’s worth it. Throw a few carrots, tomatoes or celery pieces into an airtight container and you’re good to go! The same with fruit: Slice up an apple and add some lemon juice to keep it from going brown.

5 Granola bar

Granola bars are fast, convenient and healthy. Make sure you choose a brand that’s low in sugar and high in protein and fiber. If you have the time, you can even make your own homemade granola bars from ingredients at home.

It can be really difficult to stay healthy during your busy college years. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep healthy, even when you’re learning to cook for yourself. Instead of being forced to satisfy your hunger on junk food during the day, make sure you grab one of these healthy snacks before you rush out the door.

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