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ENTITY reports on united nations day

The United Nations has played an integral part in maintaining order among countries. And frankly, they don’t receive enough appreciation.

Fortunately, you can always celebrate the organization on United Nations Day. Oct. 24 marks the anniversary of the beginning the UN Charter in 1945.

So if you’re wondering how to celebrate this special day, here are a few ways.

1 Help protect the environment.

ENTITY reports on united nations day

United Nations Day is all about helping the organization protect this Earth. You can do your part by planting trees with a local volunteer organization. Planting trees can help diminish climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

If you don’t have time to plant trees, you can also donate to the UN’s effort to plant more trees in your community.

2 Don’t use plastic bags.

By avoiding plastic bags, you can keep oceans safe. According to National Geographic, there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. Large quantities of trash are harmful to fish and, in turn, harmful to those who consume fish. Richard Thompson, a biologist at Plymouth University in England explained, “The greater the concentration, the greater the potential risk for exposure.” So, avoiding plastic bags for even a day can reduce this damage to our oceans and fish population.

California has already implemented Proposition 67, which requires shoppers to pay for plastic bags at grocery stores in order to encourage the use of reusable bags. But even if you don’t live in California, you should still consider investing in some reusable bags yourself.

3 Recycle your plastic, glass, aluminum and paper.

ENTITY reports on united nations day

Recycling saves energy, reduces waste, conserves natural resources, prevents pollution and more. By recycling, you can help save the environment. You can separate your plastics, glass, aluminum and paper in different bins and drop them off at your local recycling center.

If you make a conscious effort to recycle, you can help prevent pollution and conserve our natural resources.

4 Use public transportation, bike or walk.

Cycling, walking or using public transportation is a great way to reduce greenhouse gases. Driving emits tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. If you chose to use public transportation over driving at least once a week, you could decrease the total of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

5 Don’t waste water.

ENTITY reports on united nations day

According to the UN website, “Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of the world’s population.” And according to WordWildLife, 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to water and 2.7 billion people deal with water scarcity at least one month out of the year. With water scarcity also comes a lack of sanitation. A total of 2.4 billion people are exposed to diseases and water-borne illnesses due to inadequate sanitation.

You can make an effort to avoid wasting water by taking shorter showers, turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth, not overwatering plants and more.

The United Nations was created to ensure peace, safety and order in this world. They also help protect our oceans, atmosphere and environment. So, we can all do our part in helping them protect our environment by celebrating United Nations Day in these five different ways.

But remember, you can also participate in these five ways to help our planet every other day, too. Although it never feels like it’s urgent, our planet is slowly dying due to climate change and droughts. So, help make the world a better place to live by decreasing your carbon footprint.

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