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Entity reports on America Recycles Day.Photo vie Twitter / @SnellingService

America Recycles Day, which occurs every November 15th, is the day to bring awareness to the importance of recycling.

According to the official America Recycles Day website, the national recycling rate has increased to 34 percent over the past 30 years. Their goal? To increase this number even more.

And because Entity loves women who are sustainable, we encourage you all to take part in increasing the recycling rate by doing your part to help our environment.

If you need help getting started, here are five ways you can keep America clean.

But first, let’s go over how America Recycles Day began.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.

Photo via Twitter / @recyclesday

For us to be fully engaged in America Recycles Day, we have to know how it got started. According to the National Day Calendar, America Recycles Day was started in 1997 by the National Recycling Coalition.

And since 2009, this day has been part of the Keep America Beautiful program.

There are thousands of events held across the United States to raise awareness about the importance of recycling. Various organizations offer personal pledges people can sign to show their commitment to recycling and buying products made from recycled materials.

And once you’ve made that pledge, here are ways you can start abiding by your promise.

1 Recycle anything and everything that can be used again.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.


You can take part in recycling almost everywhere you go. Whether it’s at school, work, home or around your community.

Picking bottles of water off the floor or papers laying around can make a difference in keeping America clean.

And why wouldn’t you want to do it? Recycling saves energy, prevents pollution and reduces greenhouse gases. It also helps sustain our environment and creates paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries.

2 Reduce the amount of waste you produce.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.


We produce so much waste without even noticing it. Becoming aware of this fact could help the environment immensely.

One way you can reduce your waste is by donating unwanted items to family, friends or neighbors. Clothes, shoes or kitchen supplies you don’t need or want anymore can be useful to someone else. Many items you would normally consider as trash can actually be used for other purposes. Instead of throwing them away, reduce waste by using them for other things.

Other ways to reduce waste is by reducing your paper waste. Cancel unwanted mail by unsubscribing to national mailing lists. This reduces the amount of paper we produce and how much of it goes to waste. You could also just stop using straws altogether since the amount of plastic wasted on straws is detrimental to our oceans and sea creatures.

These are all little changes, but they make big impacts. Really, the best way to make a change is to change the way you think. Be more conscious of your consumption and actions.

3 Buy products made with recycled content.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.


Buying products made from recycled material is a big help to our environment.

But how can you tell if something is recycled? The products made from recycled material have the chasing arrows symbol inside a circle. The circle may even say “Made from 100% recycled material.”

This symbol is often confused with the normal chasing arrows symbol, however. But that symbol simply indicates that a product can be recycled.

Next time you’re out shopping, try purchasing items with the chasing arrows within a circle!

4 Educate yourself and others on the importance of recycling.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.


America Recycles Day is not only a day to take part in recycling, it’s also a day to educate yourselves and others on the topic.

Talk to your family and friends about the importance of recycling and the impact that it can have on our environment. You can even volunteer in various communities to plant more trees or pick up some trash.

Anything you can do is a big help, really.

5 Take the #BeRecycled Pledge.

Entity reports on America Recycles Day.


By being an active member in the recycling community, the America Recycles Day website offers you the opportunity to take the #BeRecycled pledge.

Taking the pledge shows your dedication to recycling and the importance it has. Be proud of your awesome decision and encourage others to take the pledge with you. The more we can spread the word about recycling, the better off we’ll be in the long run.

So go over there and take the #BeRecycled pledge!

And now that you’ve got all the information on America Recycles Day, gather everything in your house that is recyclable and recycle it!

But, of course, don’t only recycle on America Recycles Day. Make sustainability a lifestyle.

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