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ENTITY offers brilliant period hacks for women.

It’s that time of the month again — shark week. Oh, the horrors of feeling bloated, moody and lethargic 24/7. The week feels like it’s going by so slowly and conversations with random people have you thinking, “Why are you talking to me right now?” You’re short-tempered and fresh out of patience. Unfortunately, even if you’re usually a positive person, it’s difficult to be that way when PMS has weaseled its way into your body.

All you want to do is spend the day in bed with Midol on deck, a hot pack plastered on your stomach and re-runs of The Bachelorette serving as white noise in the background. But you know you can’t. So to get you up and functioning, here are five things you should do while you’re on your period.

1 #treatyourself.

Psychology Today says that being kind to yourself increases your motivation and boosts your happiness. In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Research in Personality, researchers found that being kind to yourself was linked to optimism, wisdom and personal initiative. What better time to make yourself feel better than when you’re feeling down and defeated?

Get off your bed and compliment yourself. Wear the outfit that makes you feel good. You can even go ahead and add those items to your online shopping cart and click check out; just don’t go too crazy! You deserve some new knick-knacks, but try not to deplete all your accounts in one week.

2 Exercise Or Hit The Gym.

I know, it sounds exhausting just thinking about it, but girl you need to get up! I know the cramps make you want to stay in bed, but exercising can help ease the pain. Exercise physiologist Stacy Sims, Ph.D. tells Health News, “The more active you are [overall] and more regular you are with your activity, the better your periods end up being — less cramping, less heavy flow.” Working out releases mood-boosting endorphins that can help you take your mind off any pain. Additionally, sweating causes water to leave your body, which can relieve your bloating.

What are you waiting for? Do as James Brown says and get up off of that thing!

3 Continue To Use Protection.

It’s not every girl’s cup of tea to have sex while bleeding, but no one is judging you if you give into a moment! Just remember your period does NOT protect you from getting pregnant or from STDs, so use the rubber! Women’s Health Mag also suggests spreading a dark towel on the bed, keeping a washcloth nearby and trying different positions because lying on your back can get messy.

4 Carry Baby Wipes With You.

Let’s face it — we hate pads and tampons, but we need them or it will just be one heck of a mess that no one (not even you) wants to see. While feminine products are meant to absorb the pints you are bleeding, it doesn’t disguise the smell. Moreover, The Health Site writes, “When you menstruate, the blood tends to enter tiny spaces like the skin between your labia or crust around the opening . . . you should always wash this excess blood away.”

It’s more difficult to wash and clean yourself on the go, so make sure you have baby wipes to keep it fresh. Just make sure to use it outside of your vagina because, as The Health Site reminds, “the vagina has its own cleaning mechanism that works in a very fine balance of good and bad bacteria. Washing it with soap can kill the good bacteria, making way for infections.”

5 Eat the right food.

Nothing sucks more than having cramps and being constipated! While there is no magical elixir to cure PMS, there are some things you can eat to help you ease the pain. She Knows suggests eating leafy green vegetables because the high fiber count can help digestive issues often associated with the menstrual cycle. In addition, the good fats and omega-3s in nuts can be helpful and more filling than junk food. Fresh fruits can also ensure a healthy digestive system.

Some other suggestions are: red meats, whole grains, steamed broccoli, low-fat yogurt, pumpkin seeds and chamomile tea. Any of these things can help soothe your pain and get you functioning again.

What are your favorite period life hacks? What works and doesn’t work for you? Tweet us @entity_mag.

Edited by Angelica Pronto
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