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Entity advises how you can tap into your intuition

Want to know a secret to success that public figures such as Oprah and Steve Jobs have sworn by? The answer isn’t really a secret at all! In fact, very person on earth already possesses it, they just might now be aware of it yet. Intuition, or your innate inner wisdom that is there to guide you through life, is often an aspect of ourselves that we forget to recognize and pay attention to. Read the tips below, courtesy of, if you wish to truly tap into the knowledge of your intuition and inner self.

1 Quiet Your Mind

Whether you are religious or not, spiritual or otherwise, you are probably aware of that wise little inner voice inside that speaks to your every once and awhile. In reality, that voice is actually always trying to communicate with you! The problem is, it can be difficult to hear and understand until you identify it and learn how to tune it to the messages it’s trying to send. Aware of it or not, the majority of people often let their mind run wild and over-identify with the thoughts in their head, which they falsely believe define who they are. However, we are so much more than our own thoughts. Once you find the motivation and space to quiet down all that mental chit chat, you can clear the way for true intuitive intelligence.“Take a few quiet moments to tune in and mentally set aside your to-do list. Close the door. Turn off the phone. Shut down or move away from your computer. Then take a few deep, slow breaths to relax your body. Focus your attention only on inhaling and exhaling. When thoughts come, picture them as clouds floating by in the sky. Then refocus on your breath. You can call this meditation if you want to, but it’s ultimately just a wonderful way of stilling your mind.”

2 Listen to Your Gut

Have you ever felt a sinking feeling deep down when you’re about to walk into a situation? This is no coincidence. It’s very vital to pay attention to what your gut feeling says, because that initial visceral reaction is really your subconscious telling you to “proceed with caution.” This often occurs before your rather distracted and busy mind has taken the time to evaluate what’s going on. The gut reaction you feel essentially tells you if you’re at ease with certain individuals or not, and it’s important to listen.“Science associates these feelings with a “brain” in the gut called the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons that process information almost instantaneously. Before your thinking mind kicks in, start to train yourself to check in with your gut. How is it reacting to other people? Is it in knots? Do you suddenly feel nauseous, acidic or have cramps? Do you feel relaxed around a certain person and get a sense of trust, or does something feel off? Be careful not to talk yourself out of these intuitions. If you’re unsure about your gut reaction to a relationship, try to avoid taking action until you can get more information.”

3 Let Ah-ha! Moments Guide Your Actions

Sometimes, during conversations, you may get a weird fleeting feeling about people that hits you like a camera flash. Pay attention. We often ignore little messages like this and forget about them quickly, but they usually are very telling.“If your spouse is upset and you get a sudden picture of her as a frightened child, this is your cue to make that child feel safe and understood rather than wage a war. Or if a colleague isn’t budging on a point in a negotiation and you get a flash that says ‘let him think about it overnight rather than push,’ follow that impression. See if this breathing room allows things to shift. These ‘ah-ha’ moments are great guides once we learn to trust them.”

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