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ENTITY answers: is Nibiru real?

You may remember the Mayan “end of the world” prophecy that had everyone up in arms in 2012. Well, Nibiru, if you haven’t heard, is said to cause a similar destruction.

But before you start panicking, here’s what ENTITY has found out…

 What is Nibiru?

Conspiracy theorists believe Nibiru is a doomsday prophecy planet lurking on the outskirts of our solar system. Its predicted fate? To smash into our Earth on October of 2017.

According to David Meade’s book “Planet X — The 2017 Arrival,” Nibiru and several other planets circle a brown dwarf called Nemesis. The planets orbit in large oval paths that are hidden in space … until they eventually smash into Earth, destroying all form of life as we know it. 

ENTITY answers: is nibiru real?


Is Nibiru real or a hoax?

This question was put to rest in 2012 when the scientific community confirmed Meade’s Nibiru and Planet X as a hoax. 

Senior Scientist David Morrison from NASA released a video statement revealing the truth about Nibiru. In the video he explains, “[If Nibiru] were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, it would be bright and it would be easily visible to the naked eye.” Astronomers would have also been tracking the planet for at least the past decade. 

He also points out the origin of the name Nibiru, a minor God from the Babylonian era. Right now, there’s no evidence that confirms it’s a planet.

So there you have it, folks, from the scientific community itself.

Here’s What We Know…

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology hypothesized the possibility of another Planet X – or suspected planet – orbiting our solar system. In January 2016, they published a paper in the Astronomical Journal, claiming the existence of a “massive perturber” that altered the orbits of rocky bodies and dwarf planets on the fringes of our solar system. So far, they are calling it Planet Nine.

Scientists discovered Planet Nine’s existence due to a strong gravitational pull affecting the orbits of other smaller dwarf planets. This influence exemplifies what happened in the 19th century when people noticed another celestial body influencing Uranus’s orbit from a far-off distance, which eventually led to the discovery of Neptune, according to The Washington Post. 

The International Astronomical Union defines a planet as a celestial body that must “clear the neighborhood” around its orbital zone and has a gravitational pull that changes the orbits of other objects.

So if planet X is real, what does this mean for science?

Confirmation of its existence would, in fact, reconfigure the models of our solar system. That’s a huge deal!

Astronomers have currently confirmed that they know the orbit of Planet Nine, but they do not know where it is on the orbit. NASA’s director of planetary science, Jim Green, finds this discovery exciting because we’re uncovering things about the solar system that we never thought possible years ago.

As for now, this Planet Nine’s existence still remains a Planet X. Or in other words, a speculation.

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