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Entity shares nontraditional jobs.

It’s time to livin’ up your career because that cubicle just isn’t cutting it anymore. Down for a total 360? Take a look at these unusual careers that are sure to make you think about your decision to quit your job:

Professional Cuddler

Yes, you read that right, people will pay you a pretty penny to cuddle with them. Interested? The Snuggle Buddies is currently hiring. However, not just anybody can become a professional cuddler there are some requirements:

  • Must be accepting of both male and female clients (99% of clients are male)
  • Must be accepting of all races
  • Must be accepting of all ages of clients as most are over 50
  • Reliable
  • Positive personality
  • tTttStrong interpersonal and communication skills

But hey, with those requirements comes a worthy payment. You can make $40/hour and an additional $15/hour for travel fees directly from the client.

Bonus: Tips are all yours!

Professional Mourner

This one is definitely a little out there. If you’re not sensitive to funerals and dead bodies, you may want to look into this.

Apparently hiring a professional griever isn’t uncommon and according to Fred Young Funeral Home and The New York Times can be dated back to the 1800s.

You may have to move to the UK or Japan for this job to get a more steady pay.

A company in Essex called Rent a Mourner is well known for their services. They will meet with you prior to discuss your needs and provide you with one mourner, or a group. According to CBC News they charge about $70 to hire one.

Professional Food Taster

If you love food this may be just for you, however you might want to do this as a side job. The pay scale ranges based on what you are willing to eat. According to eHow, those who taste fruit and vegetables can make around $31,340 while those who work with sugar and confectionary products make around $36,140.

Professional Bridesmaid

Great with girls and know how to work under pressure? Bridezilla pressure that is.

According to The Penny Hoarder, you can make up to $1,000 a day being a bridesmaid! Companies such as Bridesmaid For Hire provide their fill-in’s to assist with chaos, but don’t get them confused with wedding planners! Planners have their own tasks to take care of which is pretty much everything. The professional bridesmaid is there to cater specifically to the bride.

Professional Line Sitter (Stander)

Maybe you’re the unique type of person that doesn’t get ridiculously frustrated with standing in line, Business Insider reported one man claims he makes up to $1,000 a week standing in line! Working on days like Black Friday and Christmas are sure to have their perks money wise.

Pretty crazy careers right? Who knows maybe a job in a different department like one of these may be just for you. One things is for sure, you’ll either get rid of or miss cubicle blues.

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