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ENTITY explains everything you need to know about Plan B

You were too caught up in the moment or the condom broke. We get it, these things happen. So now, you’re probably freaking out staring blankly up at the ceiling already anticipating the scariest of scenarios. Plan A didn’t work, but that’s where Plan B comes in.

Here’s everything you need to know about this emergency contraception before you take it.

1 Prevents Unwanted Pregnancies

You might know Plan B as “the morning-after pill.” If you didn’t, it is a one-tablet emergency contraception that helps prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. To get technical, the pill stops fertilization and the releasing of an egg from the ovaries. According to Plan B One-Step, it reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy by up to 89% depending on how soon you take it. Don’t waste time, get to the pharmacy!

2 Take it ASAP and With Food

The sooner you take it the better. It is directed to take the pill within 72 hours (3 days) after you’ve had unprotected sex. But the longer you wait, the less effective the pill is. So make sure you take them with your next meal. The pill may be small, but it can disturb your system. You may feel nauseous or have stomach aches if you don’t eat beforehand. Make sure to take this pill responsibly to avoid any other stresses.

3 There Are Side Effects

Depending on your body, you may typically feel nauseous or dizzy. You may also experience vomiting, fatigue, headaches, breast tenderness, spotting and lower abdominal pain. This all usually passes after 24 hours so just hang in there. Make sure you monitor your body for any of these changes and if they persist for more than 48 hours, contact your doctor. 


4 It is NOT an abortion pill

There can be a misconception that Plan B is similar to the abortion pill. Let’s clarify, it is not an abortion pill. Being pregnant means the sperm has successfully fertilized the egg. The morning-after pill is what prevents that step from actually happening in the first place. So don’t worry- you’re just taking the steps necessary to avoid pregnancy, not actually terminating it. 


5 You Can Get Them At Pharmacies

If you need it, buy it. Sometimes the walk to the register can be a bit daunting but don’t let it discourage you. The truth is, it’s common. More than 5 million women have used the Plan B pill and the number will continue to rise. So you’re not alone.

You can find any brand of Plan B at Planned Parenthood or your local pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens, and Target. Because it is a non-prescription medication it is available on shelves. Be sure to ask a pharmacist if you have any additional questions before purchasing.


6 Prices vary based on the brand

Depending on the brand you buy, the pill can be anywhere from $35-$50. These morning-after pills can be expensive. If you’re a baller on a budget, try visiting Planned Parenthood and see how they can help you. Some common brands that women buy are Plan B One-Step, Take Action, Next Choice, One Dose and My Way.

7 Mother Nature Might Take Some Time

Most women will get their period at the expected time. For some women, however, their menstrual cycle can come earlier or later than usual. You may also experience a few days of spotting after taking the pill. If your period is a week or more late, contact your healthcare provider.  Here are some period apps you can download to help you stay on track in the future. 

8 Continue Taking Your Birth Control

If you are on the birth control pill, don’t let Plan B stop you from taking it on its designated time. It’s important to resume your regular birth control routine like normal. Remember, Plan B is NOT a form of birth control. So don’t treat it like one!






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