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Entity discusses the steps to take if you have a cheating boyfriend.

Now there are several scenarios in a case of cheating and each situation deserves a different response.

He cheated on you physically

1 You find out on your own

So your friend just sent you a picture of him at the bar making out with somebody else. WTF do you do now? Your first instinct is probably to dump him.  By all means, dump him if he’s lost your trust. But if you cannot let go, you need to ask yourself: Will I still trust him after this? Do I still love him? Do I still want him?  It will help you immensely to put everything in order and give yourself the time to calm down before making a decision.

2 He tells you himself

What do you do when he sits you down and tells you? Whatever his excuse, if he straight out doesn’t feel sorry, he’s not worth it. If he does, you need to spend some time in honest, open communication. If you decide not to break up, you need some way to avoid feeling resentful, or it will just eat at you for the rest of the relationship.

He cheated on you emotionally

1 You found out on your own

Maybe he’s been absentminded for a really long time. Either you see it in his texts or you hear about from friends – he’s emotionally invested in somebody else. He may be with you physically, but his head’s with her. In this case, there might be something wrong in the relationship you have on an emotional level. Keep in mind that there is a difference between him having a friendship with another woman, and wanting to have a romantic relationship.

You ask him: Why didn’t you tell me about this? Am I need giving you enough emotional attention? Is this just a friendship, or do you have romantic feelings for this person?  Ask yourself: Will I still trust him after this? Do I still want him?

If you decide to stay together, you need a plan. The two of you have obviously become emotionally detached, so you need to find each other again. That can only happen with communication.

2 He tells you himself

If he tells you, he probably wants to get it off his chest. He maybe wants you to know that it’s over. Or he could be trying to maybe fix things by being honest and telling you about the other girl.

If you don’t break up, you have to make the commitment to go all in. Open up with each other! You need to ask him: Do you still really want to be with me?  Ask yourself: Do I still really want to be with him?

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