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Entity has the in-depth guide on how to help manage your child's type 1 diabetes.

As a parent, you want your children to have the absolute best life they can have. However, complications can arise with our children’s health, especially in the case of type 1 diabetes.

People with type 1 diabetes can’t produce enough insulin to turn the glucose in the blood into energy for the body, causing sugar to stay in the blood and causes complications like memory loss, blindness and joint pain. But according to Kids Health, there are several things you can do as a parents to help your child manage the disease.

1 Make sure your child takes his or her insulin as prescribed.

Too much or too little insulin can be dangerous for your child. There must be a balance to how much he or she takes. If you are manually giving your child insulin, always ensure you are giving the right amount.

2 Check his or her blood sugar levels several times a day.

Since blood sugar levels change several times a day with food and exercise, it’s utterly important to keep track of your child’s blood sugar levels are in order to prescribe the correct amount of insulin.

3 Pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates in each meal.

Because the body turns carbohydrates into glucose, it’s very important that you keep track of the amount your child eats. Too many carbs could make your child sicker and could have serious health complications.

4 Get regular physical activity.

For kids with type 1 diabetes, exercise can help keep the blood sugar levels down and prevent other diseases like cardiovascular disease. There are additional benefits of working out such as an improved mood and a newfound sense of purpose.

Though type 1 diabetes can’t be prevented and can’t be cured, it can certainly be managed. If your child has type 1 diabetes, make sure you stay vigilant and mindful. Many adults have this disease and are able to live healthy, normal lives. You and your child can achieve this together.

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