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Entity's guide to be mindful.

Sometimes we all need a little guidance in our lives. But where to turn? Often, we feel like family and friends are supportive, but they can’t truly understand our personal perspective in matters of life and love. Seeking answers? The Universe, which we are all inherently connected to, is always ready to help guide you along your life path — all you need is to learn how to tune in to the answers it provides. Here is a guide created in part by Jack Elias from Finding True Magic to help you listen up when it comes to receiving truly divine guidance.

Take the Time to Relax

Elias mentions that if done from a state of worry and fear, prayer and meditation can actually cause you to seal yourself off from the messages the universe is trying to send you. “It’s kind of like scrunching your eyes closed and crossing your fingers. The remedy is to relax with an easy expectation that someone you love and trust is approaching you to have a conversation, to collaborate with you, to help you get answers or guidance.”

Practice Tuning in to Your Inner Life Force

“We often go out to natural settings to feel renewed by the beauty and peace and lack of struggle we find beside a mountain stream or gazing up at the sky.” That is all well and good, but also important is to notice how you’re not just an observer of nature, we are completely part of it. Elias emphasizes that: “You’re not a disconnected observer inside a bubble of turmoil! But we certainly can convince ourselves that this is the case! The integrity of all life processes is moving through you, as you. Take the time to feel it! Everyday, practice feeling life moving through you, as you.”

Expand Your Concept of Intuition.

“It’s more than the quiet inner voice. The “outside” world is a spokesperson for your inner self as well. The chirping of a bird that stops your train of thought while you’re taking a walk. Overhearing a word or phrase that strikes a chord as you pass by two people talking. Seeing a picture on a book cover in a store window — anything could be a significant hint.” The key to understanding this concept is to be open to the possibility that direction and support can take any these forms.

The universe is always responding to our needs, but we must be able to take a hint in order to respond accordingly.“One day while driving, I was obsessing about a problem. I was wondering what to do with my busy mind, when a truck pulled in front of me. There, in bright red letters, right at eye level, was a bumper sticker that said, ‘Pay Attention.’ The coincidence made me laugh. The universe was being friendly with me! It reminded me to relax and drive safely.”

Learn to Listen To Your Gut-Feeling About a Situation

Our intuition is an expert at noticing the significance of events that happen around and to us and instantly gives us a feeling about the event. However, because of the nature of today’s fast paced world, our hurried thinking and busy activity makes us dismiss the intuitive feelings we receive. “So practice slowing down, breathing easily, and, again, resting in a felt sense of your whole body. Live more in your body and a little less in your thoughts.”

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