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ENTITY reports on what do I want to eat.

The question “What do I want to eat?” is probably the number one thing that  pops up in everyone’s mind around lunch or dinner time. Are you feeling pizza today or fries and a shake?

Chances are, when you are craving these types of junk food, your body is lacking some kind of nutrient.

If you didn’t know that, here are some facts you should know about your cravings.

ENTITY reports on what do I want to eat.

1 Chocolate

It takes up to three minutes for food to ease negative emotions. Chocolate is no exception to this rule. But be careful when you binge on chocolate.

Psychologist Susan Albers writes on Psychology Today that although chocolate can boost your mood, it may eventually bring it right back down.

“While chocolate may give your mood a small boost, its short term effects emphasize why it is important to find other ways to calm and soothe yourself without sweets,” Albers writes. “Other studies find that chocolate’s feel-good effects are often followed with guilt. This is no surprise to avid chocolate loves.”

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Craving this sweet treat can also be a sign that you are feeling lonely or sad. Research shows that just smelling chocolate can set off pleasure signals in your brain. Nutritionist Kimberley Snyder tells Everyday Health that chocolate means you are desiring a close connection.

“When a chocolate craving consistently arises, it might mean that you are seeking love at a deeper emotional level,” Snyder explains.

Additionally, Women’s Health reports that when you’re craving chocolate, your body is probably lacking magnesium. Curb your chocolate craving by eating foods high in magnesium such as nuts, seeds, fish and leafy greens.

If you do decide to go with chocolate, though, go for dark chocolate since it has more cocoa and less sugar.

2 Chips

If you are reaching for a big bag of potato chips, you may want to reach for some H2O instead.

Weight-loss expert Joseph Colella, M.D. shares with Cosmopolitan that having a craving for chips actually means that your body is screaming for water. Not only that, but your body is telling you that you need to relax.

“Thirst is often masked as hunger,” Colella explains. “So a craving for salt, which helps your body retain water, could mean you aren’t drinking enough or you are losing water (through sweating, diarrhea or vomiting) faster than you’re ingesting it.

ENTITY reports on what do I want to eat.

He continues, “Many salty foods — like chips, crackers and pretzels — are crunchy. Eating crunchy foods can help relieve stress.”

Craving salty foods, in general, can also mean that your body is in need for some serious Vitamin B. Muscle and Fitness suggests that eating foods that are high in Vitamin B, such as avocados, is a healthier alternative.

Again, if you are trying to ween yourself from your chip addiction, slowly reach for some baked chips instead.

3 Soda or carbonated drinks

Even though Coke is probably your go-to beverage, your body may be telling you to go get some milk instead.

According to Jerusalem Post, studies theorize that your lust for soda may be because you have low calcium levels. Calcium helps bones grow, regulates enzyme activity and regulates blood pressure.

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4 Sweets

Registered dietitian Nicole Osinga tells the Huffington Post that sweets send off a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

Osinga says, “Sugars, like other simple carbohydrates, signal the body to release serotonin, which boosts your mood.” This can be dangerous, however, because sweets can be addictive.

“Regular consumption of foods high in sugar is often a result of habit and association, which lead to neurochemical changes in the brain that can hardwire you to crave these types of foods,” she continues.

If you are craving sugary foods, reach for sweet potatoes or spirulina instead.

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5 Steak or a hearty hamburger

Craving a juicy burger? Your body likely is telling you that you are lacking Vitamin B-12. It could also mean that your body is in need of some iron.

Julie Broom writes on Spoon University that you should partake in more nutritious choices such as kale, beans and raisins.

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At the end of the day, everything is good in moderation. So while it’s okay to eat your favorite sweets and meat, you should aim to have a balanced diet as often as you can.

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