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Entity looks at three kitchen tools for the green consumer.

If you’re a woman that’s an avid recycler, then you have probably found a method of sorting, tossing, and trashing that works best for you and your family. Some recyclers like to keep separate bins under the kitchen sink to sort trash from compost and recycling. Others may shred those piles of discarded magazines, newspapers, and junk mail before tossing them in the recycle bin. Regardless of the method, you can always benefit from a few gadgets and gizmos to help make the process a little easier and elegant.

Check out this list of four innovative tools to help make recycling your everyday items in the kitchen a little more manageable to simplify your life.


Keurig cups or K-cups have received a lot of negative backlash as a result of the waste generated by consumers. Unfortunately, the Keurig pods are designed in a way that makes them very difficult and time-consuming for the consumer to recycle. In order to dispose of the pods properly, the plastic cup needs to be separated from the aluminum foil covering and the remaining coffee grounds. Since nobody was taking the time to do this, an estimated 20 billion single-serve coffee cups were thrown away every year. That was, until the invention of the K-cup recycling tool. The gadget has a metal blade that separates the coffee grounds and paper filter from the plastic cup with just a press of a button. The Recycle A Cup is available on Amazon and at other retailers.


If you’re the type of woman who saves every grocery bag you have ever used, then you might consider purchasing a grocery bag dispenser that you can mount on a wall. Unfortunately, plastic grocery bags are still common at most supermarkets and convenience stores. For shoppers who like to reuse bags instead of throwing them in the landfill, a dispenser can go a long way. The Simple Human stainless steel wall dispenser holds up to 30 plastic bags with easy access openings and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


This gadget is a little less practical but a lot more entertaining. For avocado lovers and gardeners, this one is a must. The Avoseedo Bowl helps you grow an avocado plant from an old seed with little to no mess. Just insert the discarded seed in the small boat-like contraption, place the boat with the seed in a bowl filled with water and watch your little tree sprout to life! For best results, make sure to place the Avoseedo on a windowsill or somewhere with direct sunlight and replenish with water as needed. You should see the roots and stem start to sprout in about two to six weeks. In order to produce a full-grown tree, you need to live in a warm climate that doesn’t reach freezing temperatures. If you live in a colder climate, you can try growing an indoor plant. Once the main stem emerges, plant the seed in a container with houseplant soil. Water the plant often enough to keep the soil moist but not wet.

Edited by Angelica Pronto
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