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Entity reviews the five best Android and iPhone applications for your phone.

Let me guess. You’ve got your phone within a foot of your reach. In fact, it’s probably even in your hand right now. If you’ve got a smartphone, there’s no doubt that you use multiple apps ranging from image sharers like Pinterest to your morning alarm clock. If you’re looking for something new to try out, here are five amazing apps for your smartphone that you need to download in a jiffy:


In the past few months you might have become a Pokemon master, but what about a social media master? With this app, you can schedule Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook posts based on when they’ll generate the most views and likes. This app tells you when the largest number of people will be listening and watching, and even give you stats on past posts and how they performed.


Ever wanted to download Tinder, but for food? This app will show you the absolute perfect sandwich at a store near you, and if you decide you want to weigh your options simply swipe right and see what menu item around you comes up next. Even better, you can arrange to have your food sent to your location while earning reward points in the process.


Do you want to learn another language but you don’t exactly have the resources? College classes are expensive, and there’s more to a language than simply regurgitating a dictionary. Here’s where Duolingo can help. It’s completely free and teaches you both vocabulary and grammar.


Listen, getting fit can be hard, especially if you hate running. Zombies, Run! became the highest grossing Health & Fitness app on the Apple store within two weeks of its release. This actually works .This is a zombie survival story to help you get motivated to run. You don’t stop when you reach that car – you stop when that zombie stops chasing you. The terror of zombies is a much better motivator, right?


Have you ever craved your favorite food but you’re too lazy to leave the house? Well, if it’s in your city, Postmates offers a wide variety of possible delivery options. And it really is wide variety; there are quite a few specifically offered restaurants that are cheaper, but as an occasional treat you can find pretty much any restaurant in the area. Depending on how far away it is, the delivery fee can get a bit steep. But hey, treat yourself!

Edited by Ellena Kilgallon
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