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Entity shares affordable summer activities for kids.

     Ah, beautiful, glorious summer. When it rolls around, so do mornings of sleeping in and the blissful feeling of not having to pack any more lunches. But, although you may get a little more R&R, without the promise of seven hours a day of school for your kids, keeping them occupied can be a real game of tug-of-war. God knows that not all of us can splurge on a family vacation to Costa Rica, but we can do these easy, ridiculously cheap things to keep everyone happy during the dog days of summer. Here are 7 affordable summer activities for kids:

1 Set Up A Backyard Campout

      Renting a campsite, lugging gear out and setting up the stove can be hard work. Instead, dust off that old tent, set out some lawn chairs, and light the firepit if you’re feeling adventurous. You don’t have to go any further than the backyard, but you can still roast marshmallows, tell scary stories, and get the feel of a classic family camping trip.

2 Visit A Free Museum

Head down to your nearest Natural History Museum with the kids to get their minds off their boredom and teach them something at the same time. They’ll have so much fun with the interactive exhibits that they’ll forget that they’re actually learning!

3 Pay A Visit To The Library

If your child has never experienced the joy and freedom that comes with being the proud owner of a library card, then you should give them the chance. Not only is it free, visiting the library allows your kid to connect with the community and channel their creative energy.

4 Set Up A Slip-N-Slide

The Slip-N-Slide is the bona fide number-one must have summer accessory. It takes minutes to set up, and you’re rewarded with days and days of fun and grass-stained knees.

5 Plant A Garden

Take your kids out to the store and let them go crazy with the seed packets. Have them choose whatever sounds most appealing to them, whether it be tomatoes or azaleas. Find a nice spot for them at home to grow their new conquests. They’ll look forward to coming back and seeing how their plants are doing.

6 Start A Lemonade Stand

An old, self-explanatory classic. By putting the kids to work with their own lemonade stand, they’ll also gain a little bit of entrepreneurial experience! They’ll get a sense of accomplishment from squeezing the lemons and counting up their change.

7 Make A Yarn Laser Maze

Who needs to watch James Bond when you can relive all the action in your own home? Simply grab some red yarn and string it up and down and around various parts of the home to make a fun maze for your kids. They’ll feel like spies as they try to navigate through the yarn without touching anything.

       Summer’s waiting. Get out there and make the most of it!

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