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Entity shares the truth behind reality shows.

Reality shows are not as they seem. Here are the unexpected truths of your favorite reality TV shows revealed.

1 Any Guy Fieri show

According to Buzzfeed, the editors of shows like “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” and “Guy’s Big Bites” have a lot of work on their hands constantly. Apparently it’s very difficult to find enough footage of the chef that is usable for his shows. Why? Well he spends much of his time ogling at women and constantly hitting on them. A friend of an editor said, “He stresses trying I find enough [sic] non pervy scenes to put together a whole episode.”

2 Duck Dynasty

The duck-calling, beard-loving family is actually a lot more polished than they are shown on TV. Cracked reported that the characters in the show rarely curse, but that the editing teams insert bleeps to try to make the family seem more edgy and “redneck.” This is an issue because the members of the show are not foul-mouthed in the least.

3 Cupcake Wars

The anticipation of the secret ingredient that the bakers have to use in this Food Network show is all a facade says Buzzfeed. According to a contestant on the show, the cupcake creators know what the mystery ingredient will be months in advance. They have tons of time to prepare and practice the recipe before showing up for taping. A contestant that ended up winning in her episode wrote, “Had we not known, there’s no doubt we’d have lost.”

4 American Idol

The old school reality show was lying to its viewers from the beginning. The website Cracked informed its audience that contestants on the show have to go through auditions in front of two different sets of producers before they perform in front of the celebrity judges. So that’s a total of three performances before even figuring out if they will be on the show at all.

5 The Bachelor

It’s no secret that “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” are staged, but Buzzfeed broke it down in a way viewers probably haven’t even thought of. All of those “spontaneous” moments were set up for hours. Finding proper lighting, setting up the cameras, discussing with the “contestants” where the cameras will be shooting … it all takes time. There was once a scene where the two people decided to “spontaneously” make out in a shower. A viewer commented on the sight saying, “Well the curtain was a translucent white with a purple tinted light behind so that the silhouettes could be seen in the act. This was the worst example of a staged scene I have ever seen in a reality show.”


  • Mixie Mechley

    Elizabeth aka Mixie is the comedic relief for all our office gatherings. Mixie has also had a prodigious swath of experiences writing for Odyssey and working for iHeart Radio.

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