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ENTITY Academy internship expectations

I’ve just been admitted to the ENTITY Academy Internship for an SEO bootcamp, and I’m so excited! SEO, or search engine optimization, is a highly sought-after skill that nobody knows or wants to teach. I’ve already learned so much in the first day, and I anticipate how much more there is to come. But, among what ENTITY Academy has to offer, there are certain skills I hope to master more than others.

Here are the three things I’m looking forward to most during my time with ENTITY.

1 Shadowing and on-the-job mentorship.

Among the most valuable experiences of an internship is actual tangible work experience. Ironically, it’s something many internships lack. One of the reasons why I’m looking forward to the ENTITY Academy Internship is because this internship truly provides interns with relevant experience.  We’re provided rigorous lessons and training, one-on-one mentorship, constant feedback, shadowing and practice opportunities. Already, in the first few hours of being here, I feel like I’ve learned more about using SEO and journalism than I have in college. This article is proof of that! It was written in WordPress.

2 Working in a close-knit environment.

I’ve never worked or learned in a small environment, and it’s an experience I’ve been craving for forever. I grew up in the busy 626 area, a crowded LA suburb with over a million residents. Every experience of mine includes hordes of people. Despite how close everyone physically was, there was this psychological distance that every person keeps, as if they didn’t have enough time to talk. Sadly, that hadn’t changed for me when I moved for college either.

Working in a small group is just so exciting! There’s so much more focus and development when holding a conversation with less people. I can feel safe talking to and emotionally investing in my fellow ENTITY Academy Internship colleagues! I’m so ready for this.

ENTITY Academy Internship from a mentee's perspective.

Image via Unsplash


3 Actually learning how to use SEO.

The concept of SEO sounds deceptively simple. It’s simply using keywords to maximize search results. Although it sounds like a no-brainer, good SEO is extremely difficult to achieve. There are several processes to learn, monitor and utilize. It’s literally like learning grammar for a new language. The competitive edge SEO skills provide drives me to work through the challenges of this internship. After all, businesses and corporations are looking to further their brand in as many ways as possible, an in the face digital revolution where individuals with SEO skills are indispensable.

ENTITY Academy Internship and mentee expectations

gif via GIPHY

There’s hard work to be put in to learn and refine the skills I’ll be learning at ENTITY Academy, but I’m game. It’s typically the simplest concepts that are the hardest arts to master. Here’s to hard work.

Edited by Shahrazad Encinias
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