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Entity shares about apartment plants

Apartment plants are a perfect way to get a start on your green thumb. They don’t  require diving right into gardening, or a ton of care and maintenance. Plus, they look really cute in Instagram photos and can take your apartment from drab to fab in a matter of a seconds.

Before you can begin your new aesthetically-pleasing hobby, there are few things you should know!

entity shares about apartment plants

What Are Apartment Plants?

Apartment plants are plants that can survive without a lot of sunlight. In fact, they kind of thrive indoors and without a lot of maintenance. Apartment plants make the perfect hobby because they look cute and don’t involve any hassle!

Plus, you can collect them. According to Costa Farms, houseplants like company! “When you cluster several houseplants together, the immediate area becomes more humid thanks to all that moist soil. Plus, your complexion will benefit from the added moisture in the air. And your sinuses will thank you as well.” Talk about added benefits!

Apartment plants truly are so easy to take care of. Costa Farms explains they do not need “a south-facing window” or honestly anywhere to bask in the sun daily. In fact, “most houseplants don’t want [to]. Some plants even burn if given too much sunlight.”

Additionally, they don’t need to be watered or spritzed. Apparently misting can spread disease spores around, and instead, Costa Farms recommends “sitting your plants on a pebble tray with an inch of pebbles and one-half inch of water, or getting a humidifier.”

What Types of Plants are Apartment Plants?


According to TODAY, the pothos plant has an air-purifying quality. This is perfect for a houseplant, because it “can absorb and strip toxins like formaldehyde from materials in the home like carpet.” This plant looks great anywhere, but especially in a pot hanging from the wall!


The cactus is a classic, and looks amazing in certain decoration settings. If you have a room that you really are trying to give a western vibe, add a cactus and you’re all set! According to Sunset most cacti thrive in any setting, and only require a small amount of care.

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If you’re really busy and don’t think you even have time for a plant, then this is the plant for you. Greystar Apartment Living explains, “These two plants can survive a lot of abuse,” says Halleck. “If you are a forgetful or lazy waterer, these are your top two choices.”


Aloe makes a super cute succulent in your window, (which is where it needs to be, according to As you probably know aloe has medicinal characteristics, and can grow pretty high for an indoor plant.

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Where To Buy Apartment Plants?

Buying apartment plants may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite easy! A lot of these types of plants are available on Amazon for very affordable prices, and if not, then you can check or try your local Home Depot! Other places to check include or a nearby Walmart.

These plants are everywhere, and they are just waiting for the day they get picked up and brought to their new home!

Edited by Kylie Anderson
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