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ENTITY reports on bae meaning and what the significance of the popular term of endearment.

“Omg, I love bae” or “Pizza is bae” are common sayings today. The term “bae” can be applied to almost anything you love.

However, what does the term actually mean? How is it pronounced? And why are there so many memes about it?

ENTITY reports on bae meaning and what the significance of the popular term of endearment.

It’s actually a word in the dictionary.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, bae means “someone you love; a boyfriend or girlfriend.” However, it has come to have a much more general usage in day to day life.

“Its exact origin is unknown, but it wasn’t until 2011 when someone tweeted that the term was an acronym which stood for “before anyone else.” states Lifewire. It is also theorized that it is an abbreviated form of the word “babe.”

ENTITY reports on bae meaning and what the significance of the popular term of endearment.


Today, bae can be used for your significant other, however it can be used for general objects, too. Pizza, Netflix, celebrities and even certain restaurants are commonly referred to as bae.

Of course, the popular term has combined with one of society’s greatest art contributions – memes. Bae memes can be about literally anything and everything. Bae memes can involve presidents,  animals, children and recently there has even been a cooking related bae meme — salt bae.

If you want to take a closer look into just how far bae memes can go, check out this article from TechJunkie.

Now for those of you who have never heard of this term, (because you live in a cave obviously) here is how you pronounce the word bae: bei. Although, I really don’t think this needs to be gone over. But I’ll be kind for those of you who have no idea what the hell is going on in the world.

Lets face the facts – bae is slang turned into actual English terminology and it is here to stay. For those of you who aren’t on board with the new term of endearment, it’s time to learn.

Remember almost anything can be your bae, so don’t be sad if you don’t have a significant other in your life. Pizza and celebrities will always be there to be your bae.


Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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