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Entity has three desert ideas you can make on the grill.

It’s the best time of year. The sun is shining, the kids are out of school, and everyone wants to have a backyard barbecue. You go to the store to buy hotdogs, hamburgers, turkey burgers, and maybe even kebabs. You’ve thought of everything from corn on the cob and tomatoes to the essential condiments like mustard, ketchup, and of course barbecue sauce. Now it’s time to get your grill on. But what about dessert?

Everyone knows that the perfect barbecue requires the perfect dessert. Just because you’ve gone all out for the main course doesn’t mean you can skimp on the sweets. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a list of five sweet treats that you can make on the grill! They are quick, easy and your guests are sure to love them!

1 Grilled Banana Boats

This is a major upgrade from the banana or celery boat you used to make with peanut butter and raisins. Think of it more like a s’more stuffed inside a banana. Are you drooling yet? First peel the banana and then slice it down the middle length-wise about ¾ of the way through. Then place the banana on a 12 by 12in sheet of aluminum foil. Fill the banana with chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and graham cracker crumbles. When you think its ready, tightly wrap the banana in the foil and place on the grill for about five minutes. After 5 minutes remove the banana from the grill, unwrap, and enjoy!

2 Grilled Donuts

You might be wondering what could possibly be better than a donut in its original fried, doughy form? You may be thinking to yourself “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?” Why mess with perfection? Well you obviously haven’t put a donut on a grill. We think that grilled donuts could be the next big thing, like cronuts or the donutccino (it’s a thing.) And judging from his recipe for grilled glazed donuts, Al Roker seems to agree. For an additional bonus, the grill is a perfect way to restore life into those 2 day-old donuts that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away. For best results, follow Al Roker’s Grilled Glazed Donut recipe.

3 Grilled Angel Food Cake

Let’s face it. Angel Food Cake can be kind of boring. It’s fluffy and sweet but it can be a bit dull without the right additions like strawberries or whipped cream. That is until we introduced it to the grill. Now we can’t imagine it any other way. For best results, follow this recipe from The Mayo Clinic . When you’re done grilling, try adding some fresh strawberries or blueberries. You can also whip up a special sauce to drizzle over the cake.

Now that you’ve had a chance to look over our favorite grilled desserts, feel free to try some inventions of your own and  don’t forget to share  in the comments section below or tweet us at @entity_mag.

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