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LOS ANGELES — Opportunity Green’s start-up competition gave center stage to new companies making headway on all sorts of green issues. From transforming heat emissions into electricity, to making a greener lifestyle into a mobile game, to optimizing printing, these eco-entrepreneurs have creative solutions that are both practical and revolutionary. (Photo by Joanne DeCaro Photography)

The Opportunity Green conference’s start-up competition gave center stage to new companies making headway in a variety of different environmental causes. From transforming heat emissions into electricity, to using a mobile game to encourage people to adopt a greener lifestyle, to solving homelessness with cardboard and optimizing printing, these eco-entrepreneurs have creative solutions that are both practical and revolutionary—and deserving of attention and support.

To see all of the Opportunity Green Start-Up series, check out our video library. The green start-ups consist of:

  • PrintEco: formats documents so they print using as few pages as possible
  • The Mutual: website where businesses give members perks for supporting green causes
  • Cardborigami: tackles homelessness with foldable shelters
  • Alphabet Energy: technology that transforms excess heat into electricity
  • Practically Green: game that makes green lifestyle changes fun for players
  • Dozuki: fighting throw-away culture with wiki-based repair manuals
  • Spinlister: peer-to-peer bicycle rentals

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