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Life Coach Jerry Meunier redefines “sustainability” with these 6 simple steps for sustaining our happiness and well-being.

Guest blog post by Jerry Meunier of Creating Your Desired Life. 2/13/13 The definition of sustainability by the United Nations Brundtland Commission is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.”  There are many examples of this definition in today’s world; i.e., wind & solar energy, water conservation, recycling and environmentally-friendly building materials. For me, the definition of sustainability as it relates to our emotional happiness and well-being is “personal and professional goals and desires that are achieved and the ability for them to continue forever.”  There are many common goals and desires we humans share; relationships, careers and finances to name a few. I believe we are all responsible for creating and sustaining our desired life.  I also believe that what we think, say, do and feel is a direct reflection of the life we are living.  These are my life learnings that have allowed me the ability to sustain my goals and desires. Belief – Beliefs (positive or negative) are simply thoughts that have been acquired from various sources.  Your family, friends and environment have all contributed to your beliefs.  You will know when a limiting belief is not serving you because you will feel the uncomfortable feeling within yourself.  When this happens, look at the belief that is causing the uncomfortable feeling and challenge where that belief originated.  If it was from a person or situation in your past or present that you don’t agree with, then change that belief into one that is positive and will serve you well. If you’re thinking right now, “sure, that’s easier said than done”…that’s a belief and you can change it to one that will bring you positive reinforcement and well-being. Perception – Perception is a key ingredient to sustaining a feeling of well-being.  Perceptions are a direct reflection of our beliefs.  You always have the option of perceiving any situation as a lesson, gift or positive momentum towards something good.  Remember you always have the choice. You can choose to see the gray clouds or the blue skies and sunshine in any situation.  Which perception makes you feel good? Appreciation – Having and showing appreciation for the way your life is now allows for sustained happiness.  Giving thanks to yourself, people, the Universe or to your God is very powerful.  Showing appreciation can be done in many ways, and by doing so, you are telling the Universe, “more please!” Be specific about what you are appreciating from yesterday, today or tomorrow.  For tomorrow, always visualize what you want and feel the feeling of the end result of what you want. From there, you allow it to manifest at the right time.  Feeling the appreciation of having received your desire before it has appeared in the present is powerfully sustaining.  I inspire you to keep a written list daily, weekly or monthly of what you appreciate in your life. Unconditional Love – Having unconditional love for yourself first is very empowering.  Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.  Remember, you can’t give to someone else what you can’t give to yourself.  This will build confidence and will rid the desire to judge yourself and others.  Always being the person you want to be with (whether it’s a romantic partner, boss/employee, family or friend) is a true achievement.  This is emotional sustainability at its best!  Self-Worth – Having a strong foundation of self-worth is a key ingredient in emotional sustainability.  The environment you grew up in, the conditioning and learning you’ve experienced since day one have both contributed to the person you are today.  If there’s anything in your life that has threatened or is threatening your foundation of self-worth, change it. You have the power and control!  There are new ingredients (tools/processes) and emotional well-being recipes I’ve created that you can learn and begin practicing today.  All of these ingredients are accessible to you in abundance, they simply take practice….and practice makes permanent!  Awareness – Be aware, conscious and truthful about the actions you are taking daily to sustain your desired life achievements.  When you continue to positively nurture your relationships and connections, there will be no end.  They may change in some way, but they will not end. Achieving sustainability as it relates to our environment and our personal emotional happiness and well-being will result in the continuation of all that is good and wanted in our lives and on earth. These two types of sustainability go hand in hand and we can do it together!  The energy, creativity and collaborative efforts of ten like-minded people are more powerful than a million that are not. Mastering the ability to sustain your emotional health and well-being is a win-win in every area of your life. If you need any additional proof of sustainable well-being in business, look no further than the #1 New York Times bestseller, “Delivering Happiness” by Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh.  Tony brilliantly describes how building and sustaining a happy and joy-filled work environment produces amazing employee engagement and satisfaction, which results in excellent and exciting productivity and profits. From the day we are born, we all are emotionally programmed for the wanting of love and belonging.  One of my daily intentions is to give and receive love and peace, both within myself and externally.  This can be done in many forms and shapes. I want to inspire you to do this for one day. From the moment you wake up until the time you go to sleep, show yourself and everyone and everything around you love and peace.  You’ll be amazed at the fun, joy, peace and beauty you experience all day. This is emotional happiness & well-being sustainability at its best! Remember, practice makes permanent! If you’d like to learn more about the topics in this article and others, along with “Emotional Happiness & Well-Being Recipes”, please contact Jerry “The Life Coach Chef” at [email protected] or

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