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ENTITY shares the life of one of the most famous women in history, Frida Kahlo.

In our ongoing series #WomenThatDid, ENTITY profiles inspirational and famous women in history whose impact on our world can still be felt today. If you have a suggestion for a historical powerhouse you would like to see featured, tweet us with the hashtag #WomenThatDid. 

1 Name

Frida Kahlo

2 Lifetime

July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954

3 What She s Known For

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter, most well known for her self portraits. She infused elements of Mexican culture and tradition into her paintings and fashion style.

4 Why We Love Her

Kahlo’s early life was plagued by illness and injury. At six she contracted Polio, which left her right leg weak. To strengthen it, she joined many sports teams that were generally reserved for boys.

When Kahlo turned 18, she was riding a bus that collided with a trolley car. She suffered from a broken spinal column, other injuries, and was impaled by an iron handrail that made it impossible for her to carry a pregnancy to term.

Throughout her recovery, Kahlo required 35 separate surgeries that allowed her to walk gain, but left her in pain for the rest of her life. While confined to a hospital bed, she began painting, and decided she was good enough that she no longer needed to study medicine.

Throughout her career, Kahlo produced 140 paintings, 55 of which were self portraits. She was the first 20th-century Mexican painter to have a painting purchased by the Louvre.

Kahlo’s work was largely unappreciated during her lifetime, and it wasn’t until biographers began reporting about her life that her work was being featured in galleries. She set an auction record for a sale price of $5.6 million, the most ever spent on a Latin American work.

5 Fun Fact

Kahlo was unapologetic about her self-portraits, saying, “I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.”

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