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ENTITY shares How to Dream: 3 Effective Practices

We all know about fairytales and legends. For example, if you’re familiar with mythology, you might know about virgin sacrifices to the Gods. (Also: why the heck does a God need virgins?)

While virgin sacrifices are obviously a huge no-no, sacrifice itself is still important. While reading this article, think about what you’ll give up in order to achieve your goals: time, money, effort?

To help you with this task, ENTITY’s here as your Fairy Godmother. Here’s how to dream your wildest wishes into reality.

1 Visualize

Learning how to dream starts with imagination.

“To reach your goals, make a mental movie,” Srini Pillay wrote in his article for Harvard Business Insider.

He states that this visualization reduces anxiety and improves confidence, which then makes it easier to achieve what we want. Think of the world as a catalog, where you can choose and get absolutely any product you’d like. Dream and visualize boldly!

Change your surroundings to help yourself with visualization. Write down everything in a journal. Make collages with pretty magazine clippings. Create a “See the World,” “My Perfect Home” or “Nobel Prize in Literature” Board on Pinterest. If you’re dreaming of a trip to Santorini, find the most gorgeous pictures of the island and set them as wallpapers on your computer and smartphone screens.

Close your eyes and dream on; it’s so easy!

ENTITY shares how to dream in three effective practices

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

2 Program

Neuro-Linguistic programming is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy. It mainly concentrates on wording your dreams. Here are some of its major concepts.

Never concentrate on something that doesn’t exist.

Word your dreams in the present tense. For example: “In 2018 I’m promoted/meet my significant other/get a leading part in a movie/ fly to London and visit The Sherlock Holmes Museum.”

Master the “anchoring” technique. When one of your dreams comes true and you feel an emotional uplift, come up with a special gesture to “anchor” it. You can make a fist or lightly pinch your arm. Next time you’ll need something from the Universe, repeat this gesture to enter the state of unconditional luck.

ENTITY shares how to dream in three effective practices

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

3 Think

If you watched the movie “Secret,” you already know about the power of our thoughts. The movie promotes the idea there are consequences for our negative or positive thinking. Our attitude attracts the good and the bad things in our life. If we’re positive, we receive positive news.

Here are some recommendations from the movie you can apply to your dreaming process:

Word your wish carefully, and genuinely ask the Universe to grant you the wish.

Act as if your dream already came true. You have to really believe in it.

Accept the fact that your dream came true. How would it make you feel? Try to feel the triumph even before you get what you asked for.

ENTITY shares how to dream in three effective practices

Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash

In his book “The Light in the Heart,” Roy T. Bennett says, “Dreams don’t work unless you take action. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”

So remember, having desire is not enough. You have to know how to dream and how to take action. Do something every day to tame and bring your dreams to life.

We believe in you!

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