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ENTITY teaches you how to nail the job interview even if you're a quiet person.

Job interviews are nerve-wrecking for most people. If you’re a naturally quiet person and don’t tend to make yourself heard, this can affect how well you nail the job interview, especially in a group setting.

1 Do your research.

First impressions are important. Make sure to be prepared. Practicing possible responses to questions and knowing about the position, as well as the company, will give you a boost during the interview.

2 Dress the part.

When it comes time for the interview, arrive early and be dressed for the part. Not only does this show you are punctual, but allows you to gather your thoughts and observe the environment of your next potential office.

3 Perfect your posture.

Eye contact and good posture are crucial. Sit up straight, try not to fidget and relax. This shows that you are confident and builds a sense of trust with the employer. Smiling is also important; positive energy can be contagious. As the Biebs once said, “when you smile, I smile.”

4 Show you can listen.

Us quiet people tend to be great listeners. Use that to your advantage. Don’t just blurt out the first thing that pops in your head, evaluate what your interviewer is saying to properly respond to any questions or develop questions of your own. This shows that you are actually intrigued and eager to learn.

5 Prove yourself.

Don’t be someone you’re not, even if you are trying to impress a potential employer. You may think that trying to talk your future bosses head off is necessary, but that’s not the case. Be concise, yet thorough in responses. Even though you aren’t much of a talker, prove that you are there for a reason.

6 Follow up.

After the interview process is complete, don’t forget to follow up. Doing so illustrates persistence and that you are genuinely interested in the position. If you were given a time frame within which you would get a response – email or call as soon as, or before, the length of time is up.

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