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ENTITY explains how to have relationship goals like Cory and Topanga.

There is no doubt that Cory and Topanga are the epitome of relationship goals. Their love – through bumps in the roads, a make-up at Disney World, a potential move to Pittsburgh and a graduation proposal – has proven to be one that we all aspire to.

While we all can’t find a curly headed kid like Cory, here are some tips to find a guy that will always be there for you. Even when you go rogue and chop off your hair in the girl’s bathroom.

1 Know Yourself

Topanga always knew who she was. From drawing on Cory’s face with lipstick to prove that it’s okay to be weird to counting how many As she had because she knew she was incredibly smart—Topanga was always a strong woman. She was a feminist and Cory loved that about her.

2 Don’t Expect a Perfect Guy

Look, Cory there is no denying that Corey was cute, but he was awkward as hell. And that’s why we loved about him. That’s why Topanga loved him. Topanga didn’t let Cory’s ridiculous attempts to straighten his curls get to her. She accepted him because he loved her and treated her with respect. And that’s all that mattered to her.

3 Be Secure in The Relationship

Despite their break-ups and make-ups, Topanga always knew that Cory cared for her. She never tried to force their compatibility or connection. And even though she proposed to him, she didn’t rush things and was patient about the ultimate goal. She was secure in herself and the relationship.

While you might not have the high-school sweetheart – or in Cory and Topanga’s case, elementary-school sweetheart – being a strong and secure woman will get you the man of your dreams.

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