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entity explains why repeating an outfit at work isn't such a bad idea.

It’s a Monday morning and, as usual, you’re getting ready while half asleep. With a cup of coffee in one hand and mascara wand in the other, your morning routine is going according to plan … until you realize you forgot to do your laundry and only have ten minutes to get ready. Peering out the curtain of your bedroom window, you wonder when the fashion police are coming to put you under arrest.

Sound familiar? You aren’t alone. Every girl has been guilty of repeating an outfit, whether that’s because the outfit is just too cute or the dirty clothes hamper is overflowing. With a few simple tips and tricks, though, you can turn a repeat outfit into one that’s a knockout (and nearly new)!

1 Spruce it up or dress it down.

It’s all in the details! Was yesterday’s outfit replete with accessories? Throw away the bracelets, earrings, hat or tights and voilà! You will be surprised at how different your outfit looks without any accompanying  accessories. If you didn’t accessorize the first time you wore the look, try to jazz it up with some rings or necklaces. People will be so distracted by your new jewelry that they’ll forget that you wore that peach blouse to Thursday’s brunch.

2 Throw (on) sum mo.’

Why does Nicki Minaj always have the best advice? You heard the woman: Throw on some more clothes! Slip into a cardigan, wrap a scarf around your neck, wear a headband or pull yourself into a pair of tights. Do what you gotta do to make the outfit look different. Maybe you’ll find another cute outfit combination in the process!

3 New ‘do new you.

Even though you might think that your ruffle blouse and pencil skirt combo would look incomplete without your signature sock bun, desperate times call for desperate measures. Transform the look by freeing your locks, trying out a braid or just letting it hang on its own. Dramatically switching up your hairdo from the last time you wore the outfit can give new life to a repeated look. And if anyone’s suspicious, just hide beyond that hair to avoid making eye contact.

4 Remember: No one’s looking at you!

Still worried about your repeat offense? To be honest, no one really cares. Can you remember the last time your co-workers have repeated outfits? Probably not. Just as you don’t pay close attention to Susie’s weekly outfits, she probably doesn’t notice your own! Everyone is focusing much more on their own work and lives that they usually barely notice what you’re wearing. Even if they do, wearing an outfit twice probably bothers you more than it bothers them, so save yourself the worry and break the fashion code with no regrets.

Go out there and flaunt it!

Edited by Casey Cromwell

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