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ENTITY answers questions about inverted nipples

What exactly are inverted nipples? Like people, breasts come in all shapes and sizes — including nipple size, areola shape and color and texture of skin.

ENTITY is here to answer some common questions about inverted ta-ta’s.

1 What are inverted nipples?

Inverted nipples, or “innies,” pull inward when stimulated. Their appearance may range from somewhat dimpled to very clearly indented in the center.

You can check to see if your own nipples are inverted by using the Nipple Pinch Test.

2 Can I breastfeed my child with inverted nipples?

It depends. Breasts change during pregnancy, and your nipples may poke out more than usual. In some cases, inverted nipples can retract even more when breasts begin to swell. In extreme cases, deeply inverted nipples can sometimes hinder milk flow.

BabyCenter stresses that the best way to find out whether or not you can breastfeed is to just try. If you experience difficulty, seek advice from a lactation specialist.

3 Can they be pierced?

Nipple piercings can sometimes serve as a kind of solution to inverted nipples. A simple nipple piercing can draw out your innies! This is because the piercing jewelry can help keep your nipple in an erect position.

4 Are “innies” a sign of cancer?

Nipples that suddenly invert may be a sign of a more serious medical condition. It is definitely something you should get checked out by your doctor.  An inverted nipple can be a sign of breast cancer if it suddenly occurs later on in your adult life (when you’re not pregnant).

5 How can I fix them?

Nipple stimulation and low temperatures may temporarily draw out an inverted nipple. However, the only way to permanently change your “innies” to “outies” is through plastic surgery.

Unfortunately, this medical procedure is expensive, potentially costing you anywhere from two to five thousand dollars. Even with surgery, there is still a chance that nipples will revert back to innies.

Bottom line? There is no one “right” way your breasts should look. And if you have innies — even cooler! They’re what makes your body unique, and you should celebrate them.

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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