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ENTITY shares picture of sustainable living

For decades, scientists have been talking about the phenomenon of climate change. Activists have been trying to shine light on the issue. People have moved on with their lives as if nothing was happening.

This decade is the decade for change! More and more people have become aware of how big a problem climate change is. People have chosen to change their lifestyle to environment-friendly living. And these people care about the climate. This is a step in the right direction.

The Hard Facts

In American households alone, 1 trillion gallons of water is wasted every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Ocean Conservancy assumes that more than 150 million metrics of plastic can be found in the ocean, and one-third of the food produced for human consumption each year is wasted, says the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO). That is roughly around 1.3 billion tons of food!

ENTITY shares tips to a sustainable living
+150 million metrics of plastic can be found in the ocean

Sustainable living is important because it meets the need of the current generation without compromising the needs of the next generation. Becoming more aware of conserving food, energy and water, among other things will help the next generation to have resources as well. Therefore, through a sustainable living, we can essentially save the earth – wouldn’t that be awesome? And another great thing about sustainable living? It will essentially benefit you and your bank account as well!

How to Live Sustainable

To live a sustainable life does not necessarily mean to cut down on everything. You do not have to become the new Greta Thunberg (even though she is awesome), or go vegan overnight. You can still use transportation and buy clothes. Living a sustainable life, however, means to cut down where you can by becoming more aware of the environment and the surroundings you live in.

ENTITY shares ideas to a sustainable living
Local food markets are better for the environment

Sustainable living has benefits for yourself, the environment, AND your wallet. Yes, you can actually save money by living a more sustainable life. Here are five things you can do in your every day life, in order to become more eco-friendly!

  1. Recycle: Recycling is great and something you should always do. But in fact, according to, a lot of what we throw into the recycling bin will not end up being recycled. That does not mean to stop recycling, but it means to be aware that sustainable living requires more than just recycling!
  1. Conscious Consumption: Do you really need a straw for your water at the restaurant? Or the extra tissue in the bathroom? Being conscious of what and how much you use will help you live more sustainable. If you like using straws in your water, ice coffee, etc., invest in a reusable straw, coffee mug, or water bottle that you can bring with you on the go.
  1. Vintage, Second Hand, Thrift Store Shopping: Organic, environment-friendly new clothing can be expensive! But you can be sustainable without shopping those fast-fashion places. Go to thrift stores, second hand stores or vintage stores when you need a new sweater or jeans. But again, be conscious about your purchase. Do you really need the shirt you are about to buy? If not, put it back and wait till you actually need it. Instead of walking away from there questioning your choice, walk away from there feeling good about the fact you did something for the environment AND you saved money! Learn more about why sustainable fashion in your wardrobe is important.
  1. Switch (Off): Switch off the lights when you leave a room, do not let the water run if you are not using it, switch your old electricity out with new sustainable green appliances. Newer appliances, use less water and energy, and therefore you save both the environment and your wallet for unnecessary spending.
  1. Buy Local: Buying local food has so many benefits. First of all, no carbon dioxide was used on transporting the fish, meat, beverages, etc. from one part of the country to the other. Second, local foods are more likely to mean fresh and organic. Your body and mind will thank you later knowing that the vegetables do not contain pesticides or other bad chemicals. This way, eggs typically come from free-range hens living a more valuable life. Lastly, being conscious when buying local foods can prevent food waste as well. Compost your left over groceries and use it later as a nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

Start implementing these five tips into your life, and soon it will be a natural habit for you. No longer will you think about turning off the lights when walking out of a room you will just do it. You will compost the leftover vegetables, and you will cut down on paper straws – unconsciously. Sustainable living is all about the small eco-friendly choices in your life that makes huge differences on the overall environment.

You can learn a lot more about sustainability and sustainable living by visiting our sustainability section. But watch out, you might end up turning into a completely eco-friendly-let’s-save-the-world type of person.

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