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Entity discusses how tech meets yoga with new Wearable X yoga pants.

Looking like a yoga master is easy any time you throw on some yoga pants.

But not so much after you make downward dog look like a crime against the exercise. But not to worry, Wearable X is here to help.

Billie Whitehouse is known for pushing boundaries with fashion and technology. And now her company Wearable X has created yoga pants that are not only fashionable, but also technology and informationally driven through Bluetooth.

Whitehouse has completely canceled out the middle man in the yoga world. No more yoga instructors and touchy guidance into the “correct” position.

These pants are an innovative way to use vibrations to alert users of what they need to improve. Users choose settings on an app on their phone which connect to these fancy-shmancy pants.

This app allows users to choose from 30 different types of yoga poses, and after selecting the pose, pulses built within the pants guide the user into the selected position.

How to get them?

Looks like Whitehouse adapted to the Yeezy price point, because they’re going to cost you $300. Aka, yes, they are pricey.

They also may be a little confusing when you’re ready to store them. You may question whether to put them in your drawer or with your electronics. But, you will figure it out and realize it was just an investment like a new phone or an exercise class.

The upkeep isn’t too complicated, either. There are only two things to remember— wash whenever and don’t forget to charge. Luckily, it’s through a USB plug-in and not anciently powered by batteries.

Now, these pants are not available yet, but they are accepting pre-orders with the possibility to ship out in August.

Customer focus in a Tech Company

Whitehouse’s company’s focus on data-reliant apparel demonstrates a specialized care for the customer. In addition to this product, she is working on sensor-motivated underwear that will be marketed to long-distance couples.

This underwear will vibrate when couples choose to stimulate the garment by phone. She also has a top that vibrates to give fans a more intimate experience with players during games.

Whitehouse has a surprising way of looking at wearable technology. She feels wearables are a distraction and somewhat of a way of obsessing over data. So the mission behind her products is to understand the needs of her customers instead of self-obsessing over the information. Her main focus is to create products to elevate customer experience through connectivity.

So next time you’re struggling with a yoga position, just use your good, tech pants and let those ~good vibrations~ show you the way.

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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