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Entity explore environmentally friendly underwear.

They’re a sign of womanhood, they’re messy and every month they have you curled up on your bed wishing you didn’t have a uterus. You know what I’m talking about. Your periods. Periods can be really awful and they’re still very hush hush which is why we buy our pads and tampons discretely from the drugstore and scurry in the bathroom to put them on. Don’t you wish that you didn’t have to do that every single time? Thanks to Thinx creators Miki and Radiah Agarawl and their friend Antonia Dunbar, you don’t.

Thinx panties are a new brand of feminine hygiene that are a great solution to your hiding, your period, and the environment. They wear like any pair of panties but with the added benefit of absorbing your period. Sounds a bit gross, I know, but thanks to the quadruple layers the panties have in the crotch and the lower end of the butt, you won’t notice. Thinx panties are great for a number of reasons. One of them being that they look and feel just like regular underwear. Like regular underwear they come in different styles that have different levels of absorbency. Their most absorbent hiphugger to the lightest absorbent thong are some of the crown jewels of the Thinx collection. They’re where reusable pads and cute lingerie meet.

Not only does Thinx make you feel like a normally functioning human being again, Thinx also has a positive impact on the environment. The two most popular products for period usage are tampons and pads, understandably. They are the most heavily advertised products for women for a reason. According to data from market research firm Global Industry Analysts Inc., the global feminine hygiene industry is projected to hit $15.2 billion by 2017. As a result a typical woman can use anywhere between 8,000 to 17,000 tampons in her lifetime. This depends on individual usage of course, according to an article on the The same article also says “In the United States alone, an estimated 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are disposed of annually.” Thinx aims to significantly reduce that number.

Not only are they less harmful on the environment, Thinx panties are much better for your health. Tampons and pads are not very healthy for you and your vagina. According to, “Almost all sanitary napkins and tampons are made with bleached rayon, cotton, and plastics…Not to mention these products leave behind fibers that can cause bladder and vaginal infections, along with Toxic Shock Syndrome. Tampons are also known to absorb the natural fluids and friendly bacterias that the vagina produces to stay clean and healthy.” Collective-Evolution has also said, “tampons and pads are bleached using chlorine, which results in the production of dioxin, a chemical linked to breast cancer, endometriosis, immune system suppression, and various other ailments.” So not only are they an environmental hazard, but they’re also detrimental to women’s health.

Thinx panties significantly limit the amount of waste being made and the environmental impact they have since they are encouraged to be used over and over again. Using the underwear makes your period much more bearable since you don’t have to keep rolling up your dirty pads in the bathroom or trying to hide that tampon in your hand before you go into the bathroom. They are a positive influence on self-confidence, the nature and for women everywhere.

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