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Via Instagram/@iam_dusted

Cannabis is everywhere these days. With the cannabis industry capitalizing on the recent wave of legalization, there are now more products than ever before. Cannabis perfume is one of them!

Dusted by Victorine is the first cannabis flower fragrance to be made. Claiming to combine the benefits of topical application with aromatherapy, I was excited to be trying out the ground-breaking product. 

What’s Special About Cannabis Perfume?

ENTITY Mag reports on cannabis perfume
via Instagram/@iamvictorine

So, what’s the big fuss? Why use cannabis perfume when you can inhale it, ingest it, and even drink cannabis tea?

Dusted by Victorine is special as the cannabis flower fragrance combines everything you would expect from a regular perfume with healing oils. It boasts the ability to boost your energy and elevate your mood. Moreover, it can reduce anxiety, increase mental clarity, and decrease inflammation.

The completely pure wild-crafted perfume contains wood accord, africa lavender and bergamot amongst other healing oils. Not to mention, the fragrance is sustainable and fair-trade.

First Impressions

At first, I loved the blue bottle embossed with gold font. I was very excited to try the product as it definitely felt high-end and luxurious.

That being said, when I first applied the product I was taken aback by the scent. The scent is less feminine than most of my regular fragrance choices. Instead, it has a more herbal scent than I had anticipated.

Nevertheless, upon rolling the perfume onto my wrists and gently inhaling, I definitely felt instantly more relaxed. Taking three to five deep breaths, I felt less stressed out than I usually do at the beginning of a busy day.

Lasting Thoughts

ENTITY Mag reports on cannabis perfume
via Instagram/@iamvictorine

As someone who doesn’t consume cannabis products, I was impressed by Dusted’s ability to entice me. The herbal, unisex scent has now grown on me and I like to start my day with a swipe of the fragrance on each wrist. 

Given that the product contains CBD (and not THC), there is really nothing but goodness in this product. With exponential growth in the output of cannabis products, I expect Dusted by Victorine to rise in popularity very soon!

So, what are you waiting for? Go, check it out for yourself!

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