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Composting—whether in your backyard or through your city program—adds a variety of benefits for the ecology as well as economy. Read on for more reasons to compost your food scraps and soiled paper.


Republished with permission from Recology.

10: Compost is a good alternative to chemical fertilizers, because compost does not pollute groundwater, wells, or waterways.

9: It keeps organic materials out of landfills, which reduces methane gas emissions.

8: It sequesters carbon deep in the soil, especially when used to grow cover crops like mustard or beans.

7: It promotes healthy microbial activity in soil, providing micronutrients to plant roots and discouraging soil diseases.

6: It improves soil structure, thereby protecting topsoil from erosion.

5: Soils fed with compost retain more rainwater, conserving this precious resource.

4: It helps grow plants rich with nutrients that sustain your good health.

3: It’s easy and satisfying.

2: Compost collection programs support green jobs.

1: The process turns food scraps into fruits, vegetables, and fine wines. Bon appetite!

For related article, see: City-Wide Program Composts 1 Million Tons


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