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One Entity writer explains why she'll wants to travel after college and what you should know before traveling alone.

You walk across the stage, diploma in hand, and think of beginning the next chapter of your life. But you have spent countless hours sitting at a desk, glued to a computer screen or textbook being pressured with due dates. Maybe it’s time for a break. Maybe it’s time to travel after college and be a little adventurous. I think so too.

I have done quite a bit of traveling, especially for someone of my age. England, France, Switzerland and China to name the major destinations I’ve been to outside the United States. But that’s not enough for me. When I graduate from college in two years, before I start the next part of my life, I want to travel to a few new places for at least an entire summer.

Some people are probably thinking it’s not the smartest thing to do because of financial reasons, but I’m not the type of person who allows great experiences slip away due to money. Traveling for an extended time will give me a lesson in how to handle my finances efficiently and be resourceful. I’ll probably be in debt from student loans anyways, so how much of a difference is leaving the country for a few months really going to make? If I jump right into the work force, the possibility of having a chance to venture out later on will be slim. As I’m traveling, I might discover new opportunities for my career or may even realize I want to live in another country.

Traveling is the best way to learn about other cultures. Instead of reading a textbook or seeing a video online, you get a firsthand experience. Being able to interact with people from other backgrounds is important. Traveling takes away the feeling of discomfort when faced with the unfamiliar. Along with interacting with people from different backgrounds, you are able to try their authentic cuisine, which is one of the main reasons I love to travel.

I’m young. Twenty years from now I don’t want to look back on my life and let it be full of regrets. So where to first? Australia? Africa? Maybe I’ll go to Japan. Who knows? As a wise man, Drake, once said: YOLO (you only live once).

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