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Entity sharing photo representing "completeness" of sustainability

Sustainability is a hot topic (literally) in the world today! It includes everything from geography to the food we eat. The choices we make, no matter how big or small, affect the next thing just as strongly.  When we make decisions from a sustainability lens, we learn the basic rule of the world that everything is interconnected. We can choose to tear things down around us or lift them up. Therefore, the idea of having a sustainable lifestyle touches things we encounter every day.

Similar to science, there is an action and reaction. The choices we make, no matter how big or small, affect the next thing just as strongly. When we make decisions from a sustainability lens, we learn the basic rule of the world that everything is interconnected. What power!

Sustainability Is Anything and Anywhere

The Brundtland Report in 1987 describes sustainable development as “one that satisfies the needs of the present without adversely affecting the conditions for future generations.”

Entity shares photo on power of less consumption
Via Unsplash@popnzebra

Living sustainably applies value to all you do. Some may see being sustainable as purchasing clothes from recycled materials, while others bike home from work to their solar-powered homes. These actions check off 3 key parts: people, planet, and profit. Some businesses have incorporated this into their plan. Others created a company entirely dedicated to it.

The reason why so many companies are making sustainability itself a business plan is because they see the financial reward and active engagement it gets from loyal customers.

Sustainability Gives Back More

Some think being sustainable means sacrifice but it’s the opposite. Fellow environmentalist Ian Somerhalder says, “ you can still do your thing.”  Aside from devices made for the purpose of conservation, our daily routine is just as sustainable. As an example, taking the phone charger out of the outlet at night saves energy and money spent on the bill as well.

When we wash our clothes in cold water we can dry them on hangers instead of using a machine. In doing so, we are being sustainable in multiple ways. One, we are saving energy used for drying. Two, we are getting outside the house to breathe fresh air, which has shown to increase physical health and emotional wellness.  Three, we are allowing that energy to be used for other purposes.

This extra energy can be used to generate light or heat in a low-income apartment for someone who greatly needs it.

Entity shares gif of recycling
Via Giphy

Sustainable Is in Our D.N.A.

The world is in a bruised state today. It seems everyday I see one natural disaster after another. For instance, thunder storms and California wildfires are threatening society more frequently. We need to conserve vital resources for future generations to come. This applies to how we treat people as well. We can’t improve the state of the planet if we try to do it all alone.

I believe a positive attitude makes strong bonds. This unites us to protect the world together.

Entity shares photo on the power of community building for sustainable development
Via Instagram/@communityofunity

Sustainability is not Going Away

Overall, “sustainable” is something we all take part in. We all have a part to play in the direction we take our planet, as well as guiding people living within it. We all have a voice. If one is brave enough to speak up, others will usually listen. We only have one world so let’s not take it for granted!

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