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Entity reports on the best way to pick which Apple Macbook suits your needs.

You’ve been searching for your perfect laptop for and have driven from one electronics store to the next. In a way, you feel like a failing version of Goldilocks: the first laptop you consider is too big, the next too small and the third looks just right … until you check the price tag.

But just when you think your fairytale ending is out of reach, you walk into your local Apple store and ogle at all the laptops. Their sleek, elegant design draws you in from the moment you walk in; there’s just something about Mac computers that makes it nearly impossible for customers to look away.

Well, according to Power Max, it’s more than the artistic design that has college students and grandparents alike heading to the Apple Store. Macs are overall better than PCs. They’re more stylish, cheaper in the long run, resistant to viruses and can actually support Windows software.

So if you’re sure a Mac is perfect for your lifestyle, it’s time to choose which Mac is perfect for the type of woman you are. There are four types of Mac computers you can get: MacBook, MacBook Pro, Macbook Air and the iMac. Keep reading to find out which one is best for you.

1 MacBook

The Macbook has become a staple on college campuses. How many times have you seen people carrying around a zipped up MacBook under their shoulders or at their hips? That could be because it is the third cheapest MacBook (starting at $1299) and has up to ten hours of battery life and 512GB of storage. Don’t want to carry around a heavy laptop? No problem. The MacBook is only 2 pounds.

2 MacBook Air

Want a faster laptop for a cheaper price? Who wouldn’t? Presenting the MacBook Air 11-inch computer. It has a 1.6 GHz processor, which is 0.5 more than the original Macbook. It has the same features as the MacBook, save the one fewer hour of battery life and slightly smaller screen. This computer, priced at only $899, is a relief for those who really want a MacBook but don’t quite have enough for the standard model.

3 MacBook Pro

The MacBook Pro (starting at $1099) is a step up from the MacBook in an overt way. The screen is 1.3-inches bigger than the MacBook and it has a larger dual-core (2.5 GHz). That means you will get a faster computer with a larger screen. Although the Pro only has a seven hour battery life span (make sure you bring your charger), the dual processor is just as fast as the MacBook Air. If you’re looking for a computer that is light enough for you to carry around the house, at 4.5 pounds the MacBook Pro has got you covered.

4 iMac

This computer (starting at $1099) is something out of a science fiction movie. It is a huge computer (with a 21.5-inch screen) that seems to float in the air. The 2.8 GHz quad core processor will have your computer running faster than the others. It comes with a keyboard and a sleek white mouse. If you want a computer you can keep in your house or in your office, this is the computer for you.

Any of these sound enticing yet? Which Mac do you think is right for you?

Edited by Casey Cromwell
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