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ENTITY talks about what it looks like to be a male feminist.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a male feminist in today’s world? Take a look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Gordon-Levitt describes himself as “absolutely” a feminist and explains what the definition of feminism means to him. “You don’t let your gender define who you are—you can be who you want to be, whether you’re a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, whatever,” he says.

With many celebrities – such as Jon Hamm, Ashton Kutcher and Andy Samburg – declaring themselves feminists, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you are, too? Well, here are 10 signs that indicate you may be a male feminist.

1 You respect a woman s professional goals.

Recognizing that a woman’s career is just as important as your own is a key trait of the male feminist. Seeing successful women doesn’t make you resentful; rather, you feel proud.

2 You do not objectify women you find attractive.

Some men may be tempted to catcall women they find attractive on the street, but you know better. You recognize that this type of behavior is demeaning and makes some women feel vulnerable.

3 You assert that Cooking and cleaning are not just woman s duties.

You don’t let stereotypical roles for women get in the way of preparing a three course meal and tidying up the house. When chores need to be done, you don’t sit around and wait for a woman in the household to get to them; that’s just not in your nature.

4 You know that taking care of the kids requires an equal partnership.

Tending to your children’s needs is a split job. You are immersed in your kids’ lives and do just as much as the other parent to take care of them.

5 You respect women’s opinion.

You don’t have to agree with a woman’s opinion to know that it’s just as valid as your own. As a male feminist, you have an open mind and try to be understanding in all situations.

6 You do not body shame women.

You know that a woman’s body is her own. You have no say in how she should treat it, and any negative remarks about her body are not okay. The decisions women make regarding their bodies are ultimately up to them.

7 You are a proud supporter of equal pay.

Women do not deserve to be paid less for doing the same work that a man does.

8 You notice the discrepancies in the media when it comes to women versus men.

You are constantly questioning the motives of television and movie producers. Why are females often portrayed as lesser to men? Why are men more likely to be displayed as powerful and successful? Why does the media portray women as sexual objects?

9 You see nothing wrong with your son joining the dance team and your daughter riding a dirt bike.

Seeing gendered expectations of how kids should behave upsets you, which is why you let them do what they are passionate about regardless of the gender norms set by society.

10 You love to see women fight for what they want.

Feminism is all about women receiving the rights and respect they deserve. When a woman succeeds at doing so, you applaud her.


  • Jayda Patterson

    Jayda is currently pursuing her journalism degree at San Diego State University. Aside from her journalism dreams, she has been a dancer since she was six years old.

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